Chapter 1

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You walked down the hallways, student filling in what was once an empty space. You made your way through the crowd to get to your locker. It was a fight, but you managed yourself. The locker door opened with a squeak and you began taking out textbook for your next class. As the halls started to clear of students, you notice a small group by the cafeteria door. The center boy cracking corny jokes while all the girls faked a laugh to heighten their chances of winning the boys heart. You noticed you were staring, the boy was cute, his personality charming, but everyone knew that it was all a trick to get in a girls pants.

You took your leave, the back heels of your boots making a clicking sound as you walked. What you did not notice were the eyes that followed your silhouette.

Your next period wasn't a fun one. Algebra 2, the worst subject of your schedule. Although this wasn't your best subject, that's not what made it terrible. What made it terrible is the fact a certain someone had this class with you. The playboy, as if on cue, walked through the doorway, various eyes following him as he made his way to his seat. You couldn't help but notice the group of girls from before, right on his tail. How annoying. It's like they are his little subjects, just waiting to be tested on. Even though he was getting so much attention, you saw a flash of something in his eyes, it surprised you to see that he looked like he was not really enjoying himself. But as quick as you saw it, it was gone. He arose from his chair, wanting to sit in the front today due to his 'Eyes hurting' Hmph, only person he's fooling is himself. You turned around in your seat, not really caring what the Shimada boy was doing. That was until a plop was heard on the desk next to you. But still, you payed no attention to it.

"Hey, is this seat taken?"

You looked up from your phone to see the wide smiling playboy. You took a look at the seat next to you and looked back at him. His smile still present.

"No, they guy who sat there is at the back of the class now." You said pointing your finger. He gave a quick glance back. The boy looking up from where he was and raised a brow.

"Oh, well then. Hi! My name is Genji Shimada, what's yours?"


"'re working on the homework from last night? You do know that's due today, right?" You looked up to meet his hazel eyes, covered with concern and what seemed to be curiosity.

"Uh, yeah. I just don't really know what to do on this part. I didn't understand the examples he was giving and I was stupid enough to not ask questions." You said with your head down. A chuckle sounded from Genji, did he think this was funny? Did he even do his homework!

"Is there something funny?" You spat. His lips going from a toothy smile to a straight line. Maybe it was wrong for you to say that. Well it is his fault for laughing at such a stupid time!

"Sorry, I am not laughing at you. I was laughing at the fact you call yourself stupid, yet your number 2 out of the whole school. Don't call yourself stupid Y/n, you're very beautiful and are anything but that." His words charmed the heck out of you. The way his eyes focused only on you, the articulate way his mouth moved with every word that escaped his lips.

"That's nice for you to say, thank you Genji." Even though it was flattering, You were not about to become his next victim.

"So what exactly do you not understand?" You told him that you didn't know how to solve a few logarithmic functions, but what you didn't realize is that you needed to memorize a few formulas to actually solve the problems. He gave a few samples and even helped you with most of the homework.

"Hey students, I'm sorry I'm late. Traffic was terrible but at least I'm here. So, pass up your homework while I write down the lesson for today." You looked at Genji. Maybe this guy isn't the person you thought he was. He helped you finished the homework and said some nice things. But it still didn't change your mind.

As he collected, the bell had wrung for the next period. He cursed under his breath but told the students that they'll just learn all the stuff tomorrow.

"Genji~ Who was that girl you were talking to all period?"

"Yeah who is that? She probably made your eyes hurt more."

"Who even is that? She's so weird!"

All the comment had hurt but you grew accustom to them. This school is full of inconsiderate and foolish people that just do not know when to shut up. But eh, school is school. As long as you did good that was all that mattered to you.

"Well that's Y/n. To be honest she's quiet but very interesting. She's got a pretty face too."

Your heart thumped. No Y/n, never again. He's a player, popular. You're a nobody. Usually people like this can not be friends or more. This isn't the movies, this is reality. Some things are harsher than what you expect them to be but that's the way the cookie crumbles.

Next period was always fun, beside Genji, Drama was always something you enjoyed. Whether it be on TV or doing it in the now. You loved it. There is an upcoming play and the parts are to be distributed today. Of course you're always the shy one, but when it came to theatre, that was a different story!

This play is called 'The Moment I Fell For You' A servant that falls into a forbidden love with the future leader of a gang. You don't really know this story, but you heard that it was very sweet and enjoyable play with a disturbing twist. This play, you actually get to put yourself as the main character. Only the top 2 roles do this, the rest having assigned names. The main parts are to be given to the best ones that could act from the boys and the girls.

Auditions were held all period. Some better than others but all were able to in one day! The teacher called everyone to the front, all of them on their toes, who are going to be the stars.

All of the not as important parts were announced first while the last four were left. You, Genji, Felix, and Grace. The teacher smiled as the four of you look at her with big eyes.

"Felix and Grace" They cheered " You are not the winners for the main roles." Their smiles turned to frowns. Your eyes went wide as you realized who are the top two.

"Genji, Y/n! Congratulations! You are the winners for this years play! I know you two will work hard. You'll be spending a lot of time together so I hope you're ready!" The teacher congratulated. You punched a fist into the air, proud of the role you had accomplished. Genji on the other hand had just a smile plastered on his face. You could feel a burning sensation on the side of your face. Looking over, all the girls gave you stares that could kill. It's not your fault that they blew their one opportunity. You scoffed and walked out to the theatre and into the hallway. Genji noticed and began to follow you.

"Hey Y/n. Congrats on your part!"

"You too Genji, I know I'm not the best person to share a role this big with but I'm glad to know you that you at least got the male part." He smiled his famous smile again. Those straight, perfect teeth. It was so contagious that it was making you give him one back. Out of excitement, you gave him a hug. Wrapping your arms around his neck tightly. Genji, not expecting the hug, froze. You noticed he was not moving and quickly pulled away, rubbing your shoulder in embarrassment, your face heated up with a bright red color.

"S-Sor-" You were pulled into a big hug. Is this what being a victim of Genji Shimada is like? This is cruel. He makes you feel special, like you're the only one he wants. Is this the game he plays?

"No sorry's, I understand your happiness."

Those eyes, something is there that you cannot recognize, but it all comes and goes too quickly. Well, you were not going to find out today. The bell had rung, you two pulling away from each other smiling and saying your goodbyes.

Oh what a day today has been! For once, you could not wait for what tomorrow holds.

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