Chapter 9

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  Adam sat in his office with his eyes fixed on the desk in front of him. If you look at him, you could tell he's only looking at the papers, but his inner eyes are on something else.

He had hinted his father about Zahrah, but he seemed not to care about it. He told him to do whatever he wanted, is his choice afterall. He wondered the kind of father he has-- so detached. He resolved persuasively to talk to his uncle, he knows he will listen to him and help him in whatever way he want.


There came a loud knock on his door.

  "Who's there?" Adam inquired as he turned his gaze to the direction of the door.

  "Is Lisa sir"
His secretary answered from behind the door.

  "Come in."

The secretary entered and stood diligently at the front of his desk. "Sir, someone is here to see you." she said and bowed slightly.

  "What's his name?"

  "He said his name is Omar." She responded and bowed again.

  "Oh no! Omar." Adam exclaimed in surprise. "Please let him in" he said that with a wave of his hand.

The secretary bowed and dashed away.

In less than a minute, Omar entered the office grinning widely with an aura of amusement.

Omar is Adam's bosom friend. He had been in japan for almost six months, on a course in engineering technology. Adam had missed him dearly as he's the only one he can trust and confides his secret to.

Adam stood up instinctually and snuggled his friend into a born crushing embrace. "You are highly welcome dear friend." he gushed, his voice laced with pleasure.

"Thank you." Omar responded with a gentle smile flagrating on his face.

They went straight to Adam's  recreation room, which is in the innermost part of his office. The room was highly decorated with the most expensive furniture. There are different kinds of portrait on the wall, with vases of flowers at every corner of the room.

  "When did you land?" Adam asked as they both sat down on the cushion.

  "Yesterday night" Omar responded.

  "But we talked on phone last week, you didn't hint me about it." Adam faked anger, lacing his fingers together. "You didn't tell me you were coming back so I organise a mini party to welcome you." he looked at Omar and sneered at him amusingly.

  "I wanted to surprise you." Omar said, he clutched the side of the cushion firmly and went ahead. " but is not too late for that. So how has everything been going?"

  "Alhamdulillah". Adam replied as he stood up from his sit and crept to the refrigerator. " let me get you something to drink."  He opened the fridge and turned to Omar's direction. "What should I offer you?"

  "You know I cherish my Chapman."

  "Unfortunately I don't have it here."

  "Ok malt will do."

Adam brought out malt and a tumbler then handed it to him. He sat back on the cushion beside Omar. "So how has everything been over there?"

  "Steady bro"

  "I have a hunch why you decided to come back." Adam said tapping his finger on his chin while staring at Omar.

  "What did you guess?"

  "You came back for her, you want to get married to her immediately."

  "You are taunting me right, friend. You know I've erased her from my memory already, she doesn't want me. Afterall I've gotten a Japanese girl." Omar concluded with a slight chuckle.

  Adam laughed loud with his head thrown back. " You are the greatest joker Omar, is not possible. You can hardly forget Ihsan. You should go and settle your dispute with her while there is still time, before  some guy snatch away smart Ihsan from you."

"How about you." Omar said and gulped down his drink. "Do you want me to go and remind Ummu."

Adam reclined on the cushion and masked his face with his hand.   "You don't have to do that. I've gotten a wife already and Ummu knows that, so hold your peace." he sat upright facing Omar. "I told Abba about it but he seemed not to care. I've talked to her father and he asked me to send my parent. I'm confused now I don't know what to do . Omar I don't want to loose Zahrah, she's now half of me." He gasped and reclined back on the cushion.

  "eheem, somebody is in love here." Omar said and gave a mocking laugh. "I want to know this Zahrah that finally got the key to your heart. What did she do to you. Please take me to her, I want to ask her how she managed to put sensation into that your numb heart."

  "Be careful bros, it might fall on you." Adam retorted with mock irritation.

  "Man, I'm just joking." he tapped Adam's shoulder slightly. "Lets be serious now, what's going to happen?"

  "I don't know, you go ahead with your mock and see if I care." Adam said nonchalantly.

  "Forget that Adam, let's be serious now. I think we should  go to your uncle later and talk to him, I'm sure he will do something, he's unlike Abba, he do take things serious" Omar uttered with a serious tone.

  "That's exactly what I want to do." Adam insinuated, his voice full of pleasure. "Omar I sincerely love Zahrah. I never knew what it meant to love till I met her."

  "I can see, is written all over you, Mr lover"

  "You want to continue your mocking right?"  Adam took a small pillow beside him and hurled it at Omar.

They both laughed loud.

  "Guy, I'm hungry, I can see you are already filled with the thought of Zahrah" Omar said as he got on his feet.

  "Let's go to the company's
restaurant and eat"

  "That will be better"

They both went out of the office inquest of food to eat.

  "When are you going back?" Adam asked on their way to the restaurant.

  "After your wedding with Zahrah" Omar said mockingly.

  "Bro, I'm serious?"

  "InshaAllah next week, I will go back and round up then come back to you guys for good. "

  "MashAllah, I'm happy about that."

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