The Boy Next Door

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"Emo slut!" Yelled one boy.

"Worthless cutter," yelled another. I just kept my head down with my hair in front of my eyes. Ashley you can do this, I thought, just one more period. I looked through my bangs trying to find Tyler. Then I saw him, with the head bitch, making out. I took one look and turned around running.

"Ashley, wait!" Yelled Tyler running after me. Why am I so angry? I asked myself, I mean technically we were never a couple, just best friends. Oh, yeah, Brook has made my life hell since day one. "Ash I ju-" started Tyler.

"Tyler, don't talk to me ever again," I stated flatly, trying to hold back tears. I then ran out of school and straight home.

I cried myself to sleep. How could he do this to me? I asked myself. I laid on my bed and stared at the ceiling. My phone went off, but I didn't feel like talking to Tyler. I ignored the phone and turned to my side. It's all because I never told him how I felt, I thought. My phone went off for the 39th time.

I looked over expecting to see Tyler's name but instead I saw "MOM". "Yes?" I answered.

"I have to work late tonight," said my mom.

"Okay," I replied before hanging up. There was a knock at the front door, I ran out and opened it to see Tyler. I quickly shut the door and went back upstairs.

I found the one friend that would never betray me and placed 10 cuts on my arm. I just watched as the blood went everywhere. The knocking at the door continued but I didn't care. I just laid on the floor quite content. I eventually fell asleep.

I woke up and cried yet again. I decided to clear my head and walk around the neighborhood.

It was probably a bad idea to walk around the neighborhood, but I needed to clear my head. I walked by Brook's house. "Hey emo slut!" Yelled Brook. I looked over at her and saw Tyler holding her hand. He was wearing a blue Abacrombie & Fitch t-shirt and basket ball shorts, in place of his band t-shirts and black skinny jeans.

The site made me want to vomit. "Sorry I took your fuck buddy, but he's found something better," said Brook. I watched as Tyler looked away.

"What's wrong Tyler?" I asked as tears started to spill down my eyes. "Can't face what you're doing to me?"

"Please, he never cared," said Brook, I turned and started to run the opposite direction. I heard someone perusing me, but was too afraid to turn around to see who it was. I ran straight into my house and slammed the front door. I ran to my room and grabbed my new best friend and put 3 deepish cuts into my wrist. My bed room door flew open and Tyler walked in. He took one look and fell to his knees.

"Shit," he mumbled. Tyler's eyes met mine and we stared at each other. He took off his shirt and wrapped it around my arm to help stop the bleeding.

"Why?" I asked staring out into space.

"I didn't think it would go this far," said Tyler lowly. "I just wanted to make you jealous, you have no idea how hard it was for me to do that to you," he added looking down. I pushed Tyler's face up. "I was afraid of losing you if I came straight out."

"Tyler if you thought you were gonna lose me, then you obviously don't know me," I said as I kissed him. The kiss quickly got more heated and I pulled away. Tyler laid on my floor and I laid with him, resting my head on his chest.

"Ashley, I love you," whispered Tyler.

"I love you too," I whispered back falling asleep.

I woke up with Tyler still there. "Hey baby, wanna get breakfast?" Asked Tyler.

"Not with you dressed like that," I said. He laughed and stood up. Tyler picked me up and carried me to his house. He quickly threw on his clothes and we left for McDonalds. Once we got the food we headed back to the house and ate.

"Baby," said Tyler.

"Yes?" I asked. Tyler came towards me and started to kiss me. I knew what he wanted and for the first time ever I was ready to give a boy everything I could give him. Tyler started to kiss my neck while laying me down on the bed. I moaned and he smiled against my neck.

"I want more," whispered Tyler as he slid his hand up my shirt.

"Then you can have it all," I said just above a whisper. The house was quickly filled with cries of passion. When we had finished I laid my head on his bare chest and for once everything was perfect.

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