Chapter 1

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"Omg did you hear?" Smirked Elliana.

"No." Replied Phoebe, acting all excited even though she knew.

 " Well Emily wanted to kiss-" I heard no more after I made a sharp turn around the door leaving the school auditorium. Closing the door carefully so no one would hear and wonder, I ran down the checkered burgandy and tan hallway towards the girls bathroom and sat by the door.   Don't listen to them Emily, don't listen! They're just trying to beat me down for the fun of it. Don't listen, Emily!  The voice repeated in my head. Hearing heavy foot stomps,  the janitor, I thought quickly and dumbly, hid behind a big pink cancer trashcan, and held my breath for the sake of my loud breathing when I panick. Peeking over the pink trashcan top, I look to see who it is. Surprisingly, its not the janitor, its my bff, Kaitlynn! " Emily! Emily! She wailed, " where are you?" Kaitlynn looked frantically and paused at the glaze of a girl hiding behind a stupid ol' garbage thing, with a tear down her cheek.  She seen me! Uh what do I do now??? I questioned myself, hopelessly waiting for an answer like, don't worry she seen another person, hurry and run!  But I didn't. "Kaitlynn, I-how- how did you find me? I pathetically stuttered.

" I seen you walk out here, and I heard little running steps, so I thought something bad happened. I was worried that you were going to run and leave school."

" No, ' I sigh, " it was Elliana and Phoebe again." I bust out in tears.

' Emily, you can't let them get to you and get out from behind there! You look like Bert from Sesame Street!" I giggled at her little joke. 

      Laying down in my zebra bed, I got up and went down to the kitchen to get a snack. Grabbing a pack of S'mores Poptart, I jogged back to my room to get on Facebook. Taking out the small silvery Apple, I type in, and JonnyAlper15 as my password. The page loading, I throw away my poptart wrapper in my garbage can. I had 2 messages and 4 notifications as usuall. 

    Jonny Alper

Jonny: <3 whaddup???

Me: <3 hey! nothin' much u???

Jonny: ik u probally don't want to hear this... but.... I GOT THE PART!! >,<

Me: U kiddin' of couse i do! Idiot! g2g luv u <3

Jonny: luv u 2 <3

   Before I got off I checked my other message, PHOEBE! WHY HER!? I scolded in my head. But I checked anyway.

       Phoebe Martelliz

Phoebe: y u lookin' at Junkie Jordan's butt lol u nasty! Dirty picklehead!

Me: U need 2 shut up, Phoebe!

  Then I logged off and went to bed. Waking up at 9:47 in the morning on Saturday, I took a shower, brushed my teeth, ate breakfast, and headed to the mall to get a straitnor for my frizzy hair. As soon as I walked into that mall I saw Elliana and Phobe snickering. So I turned and headed for the car. ' Honey, whats the matter thought you was getting a straitnor?" My mom asked quizically. But I ignored her. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. She needs to know NOTHING! All I did was stare out at the window, watching cars zoom past on the highway and stores come and go. That rest of the weekend I stayed Undercover, not answering the phone, not talking to anybody, stayed up in my room like a hog too afraid too move or else I got shot. I got sick Monday morning, and stayed home. Undercover. I didn't even feel like taking a shower. For some retarted reason I was depressed and felt lonely.

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