Chapter 12: Twitter Fight

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"I'll call you back." I muttered mindlessly into the phone to Bahja, before dropping it on the bed beside me.

It didn't take me long to get to the bottom of this "twitter fight". If it wasn't already obvious it was between Zoey and Ray . I couldn't believe they were doing this publicly right now. I managed to find all the tweets to see what was really going on. It all started with a few cocky tweets from Zoey. They were enough to make me want to attack him.

@Zoeeeey__: There are some girls you treat like royalty... and some girls you just hook up with ;)

@Zoeeeey__: I can't help but laugh when I see you with him. Hahaha

@Zoeeeey__: @TrendyRay enjoying my sloppy seconds bruh?

Is he being serious right now? He had the nerve to call Ray out on twitter and not to mention indirectly insult me! If he was just a stupid ex boyfriend this wouldn't hurt as much but he used to be one of my friends... and we never really ended on bad terms. He was the one who led me on. If anyone should be bitter, it should be me! And I'm guessing this was enough to trigger Ray. He knew the whole story with Zoey and we were pretty good friends now but I'd be lying if I said I expected Ray to retaliate. Everything he said and did is considered news. Why would he risk making headlines just so he could snap back at a Jack ass I had history with?

@TrendyRay: Sloppy seconds?

@Zoeeeey__ Ha! jealous that your past girl found a guy who treats her the way she deserves to be treated?

@Zoeeeey__: @TrendyRay been there, done that. Why would I be jealous? My new girl is prettier.

@TrendyRay: @Zoeeeey__ you'd have to be blind to think that anyone's prettier than Nique. Stop lying to yourself. You're jealous.

@TrendyRay: @Zoeeeey__ why else would you feel the need to bring her up? She's moved on.

@Zoeeeey___: @TrendyRay I already have moved on. Zonnique can't even compete with my girlfriend.

@Zoeeeey__: @TrendyRay she would still take me back in a heart beat.

@TrendyRay: @Zoeeeey__ she told me all about you. She would never take you back.

@TrendyRay: @Zoeeeey__ And Zonnique is perfect. How about you focus on your girlfriend and I'll focus on mine.

That was the end of the so called "fight". I wonder what Gossip magazines are gonna say about this. I was absolutely fuming. Zoey isn't an idiot. He knew that if he could get a reaction out of Ray we'd both get negative publicity. Was this his attempt at revenge? Revenge for what exactly? He's the one who hurt me! I ran my hands through my hair. As if I didn't have enough to worry about... I grabbed my phone and let my anger get the better of me. Before being able to give it a second thought, I dialed Zoey's number.

~Ray's POV~

"This guy has a lot of nerve." I muttered to the guys, as we were currently in the middle of a video chat.

Jacob scoffed. "Tell me about it. Calling you out on twitter and then putting his past with Nique out there. That's low." He shook his head.

"Seriously! Nique never did shit to him." I spat. It was pretty much my natural instinct to defend a girl in a situation like this but what added to the fire was the fact that I cared about her. And I knew the whole background story. "She should be the one hating on him." I mumbled, feeling irritated.

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