Chapter 22: Stars

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"This is so cool." I said as I stepped out of Ray's black Range Rover. We had just pulled into the lot where he would be filming his latest music video, Stars. The set was pretty basic but it still had an incredible vibe to it. The video was going to take place in a alley with a purple glow to it. There were alot of black cars everywhere.

"That car is sexy!" I pointed to an black Ford mustang.

Ray chuckled. "Did you just describe a car as sexy?" He looked down at me with pure amusement.

"Yeah." I nodded, making my way over to the heavenly car. Ray followed close behind. I ran my fingers across the smooth paint job.

"Isn't this car the coolest thing you've ever seen?" A voice stated from behind us and I instantly placed it as Kenneths. Haven't seen him in forever. I glanced behind my shoulder at him and grinned while Ray did an odd handshake with him ending with a hug.

"This car is so dope." Ray nodded enthusiastically. "Nique wants to marry it."

Kenneth lightly laughed. "Come on Ray, you have a lot of people to meet." I had just noticed the nearby set up. There were multiple lights getting set up, tons of equipment, and not to mention the many people who were here to work. Ray linked his hand through mine as Scooter led us to the set up.


While Ray was meeting up with some more people, my eyes scanned over all the different treats lined up on the food table. There was everything from finger sandwiches to cookies to sliced fruit. I didn't know where to start.

"So many choices, huh?" A voice stated from beside me. I looked up at a boy, who looked around my age, and also very attractive. His smile was dazzling. I almost started drooling.

"Uh, yeah." I let out an awkward laugh. Way to look cool Zonnique...

"I'd definitely recommend trying a chocolate covered strawberry." He suggested and pointed to a near-by chocolate fountain. My mouth formed a small o.

"They have a chocolate fountain?!" This video shoot literally had everything... Now I know what to demand at my next video shoot.

"Yeah. Lopez likes to do it big." He chuckled, almost stunning me with his perfect smile. "By the way, I'm Alex."

"I'm Zonnique." I replied. "Are you one of Ray's friends?" I couldn't help but wonder what exactly he's doing here. He's dressed much too casual to be in the video... And I think he's too young to be a worker.

"No. I'm an intern." He laughed lightly. "and I know who you are. I don't live under a rock."

Now it was my turn to laugh lightly. "Right. What are you interning for?"

"I want to be a director or editor of some sort." He explained while I dunked my strawberry under the chocolate fountain. "I've tried television and film but my professor recommended looking into music videos and got me this gig."

I nodded. "So how old are you?"

"20." He responded. I knew he was young.

"Cool." I smiled. "I don't see many people my age here." Why am I lying to him about my age? You'd think this place would be swarming with kids my age to be in the video but it was actually the opposite. You could tell Ray was trying to give off an older vibe with this video. All the extras looked between the ages of 23 and 26.

"Yeah, I feel ya." Alex responded. "Even the video girl is 20 years old." Whooo!! WAIT WHAT?! Video girl? This sparked some interest in me. I didn't exactly want a beautiful video girl all over Ray. Yes, I'm jealous... So what?

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