Getting them here

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Bella fell asleep at about 4 o'clock while watching our movies. I watch her sleep until I get a text saying "she is close."

I get up and cover my baby girl up with her blankie and go to my office after making sure her windows where locked and had their alarms set. In my office I get on my computer and pull up Skype. I call my friend Mark.

"Mark?" I say when the call goes though.

"Hi Jack what's wrong? You never call me." He says worried.

"As you know I got a new little right after high school. Well my mother has found out that I have her and wants to harm her. Company has men watching out but she seems to be getting closer. I would like you and the gang to come down and help me out. This is bigger than anything."

"Oh Jack your mother is going to kill your girl. Hasn't she tried with your other girls before?"

"She has killed two of them. So can you guys come? I will send a privet jet."

"DADDDDYYYYYY!!!" I hear Bella scream.

"Hold on man." I say and get up and run to the playroom. "Sh sh. Baby daddy is here." I coo and pick her up and carry her to my office with her arms and legs wrapped around me. "Sorry Mark. So can you call and see?"

"Already sent a text out. Everyone is in. When and where?"

"Tomorrow morning at 7. You know where."

"Daddy?" Bella whispers softly.

"Yes baby?"

"Who are you talking to?"

"Bella this is Mark. He is my best friend." I say pointing to the screen.

"Hello Bella." Mark says in a soft voice.

She waves shyly and cuddles back into my neck."Bella can you be nice and say hello?"
She looks up. "Hello." She says and cuddles me again.

"Your so sweet Bella I can't wait to meet you. Now Jack I will see you tomorrow."

"Yes. My driver will pick you up and the guys up and take you here once you land and then we can talk."

"Sounds good to me. I will see you in the morning, bye Bella."

"Bye bye." she says softly.

the call ends and Bella cuddles right back into my chest and is out like a light. I hold her close for a long while before checking the time. the clock reads 6 o'clock. I call the chef and tell her to make grilled cheese for Bella and salad for me.

A/N sorry this is really short. better parts coming please vote and let me know what you guys think. I would wove to here your thoughts!!! XOXO

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