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J O E Y:

Leaving Daniels house he felt nothing but a broken heart...
He felt like screaming and running and pulling his hair out.
He should care more about the city and what is happening rather than Daniel preda a boy who hates him. Who was just a memory and fantasy something Joey could never have.
Joey thoughts ran wild in his head about many things espically the city who were these creatures? What did they want? Who is behind this?
Fear ran through Joey as he thought about this longer.
The sky was getting pinker and the air was getting cooler he needed get home fast.
Soon his phone buzzed it was Meghan.
"Yeah I'm fine Meghan"
Joey rolled his eyes "I'm coming don't worry"
He quickly walked faster he didn't want to fly through the city using his webs right now it was way to dangerous he didn't know if those dark creatures would still be there. He stopped by his house real quickly to get his suit from the dyer and headed to Meghan's house... to finally tell Alec his secret.
"Joey" Meghan and Alec were waiting in the lobby of Meghan's apartment complex.
Both of them ran to hug Joey so tightly that he could barley breathe.
"Hey guys"
The lobby had a sleek white floor with black couches at the end and a door man at desk smiling at all three of them.
"THANK GOD YOU ARE OKAY JOEY OH MY GOD..." Alec said in most panic tone ever.
"Calm down guys I'm fine"
Meghan nudged Joey and whispered.
"I think it's time to tell him"
"Okay! Alec shut up it's time to go up to my room" Meghan dragged Alec by his arm in mid convo.
"Alec just shut up and go" she grabbed him by hand and they lead to the elevator.

Meghan's apartment was beautiful and modern.
Her kitchen cabinets were sleek and white with a black counter top.
Her couches were a shimmer leather and a tv mounted on the white walls.
She lead us them to her room that popped with color... her walls were a bright blue full of posters of anime and Pokemon.
Typical nerd room.
Her carpet was a white just like most of her house and her bed had plain black sheets and she had bean bag in Conner so everybody could sit on.
Nobody was home ...
Just the 3 of them.
Alec,Joey and Meghan sat in the multi color bean bag chair .
"Joey has something to tell you"
Well Meghan got right into that Joey was in shock he wanted a little time to prepare.
"What is it"Alec asked.
"He been hiding it from you for a long time"
"What that he secretly loves me" Alec smirked.
Joey didn't even know if he was joking or not but he blushed.
"No" Meghan playfully punched him.
"Is it something to do with daniel" Alec asked quitley he moved his orange hair from his green eyes.
He adjusted his plaid yellow and black shirt and wore skinny jeans that completed his legs completely.
His face full of wonder and staring right at Joey wondering what he was about to say.
Meghan's could not take the waiting she adjusted her red  beannie and became annoyed she twirled her brown hair waiting for a response.
"My god"
Joey just felt a pit in his stomach he didn't want to bring Alec in his world the dangerous world of fighting crime.
Meghan's said it out loud.
Alec just sat there saying nothing.
Until he bursted out laughing.
"Joey the amazing spiderman best joke I have ever heard ... HAHA HE CAN BARLEY LIFT A WEIGHT"
Joey rolled his eyes...
"It's true she is right" Joey said.
"umm were you and Meghan taking some drugs or something"
Alec thought this was all a huge joke and Joey wished it was... sometimes he wishes it was.
"Do you want me to prove it to you" Joey asked.
"Yeah I can't wait to see you shoot out invisible webs" Alec rolled his bright green eyes.
Joey grabbed his bag were he held his suit and took it out.
He began to put it on...
"UM that could be a costume why are you and Meghan trying to prank me"
Alec look on his face was confusion.
Then Joey decided it was time show him his powers.
"Meghan place something on that dresser please"
It was all way across the room Meghan grabbed a empty soda can and placed it on the dresser.
"This is pretty cool" she muttered.
Then Joey felt a web come from his hands and it landed right on the soda can and it flyer all way across the room to joeys hands.
Alec was confused and amazed at same time he didn't know what to say he just sat the in amazement in envy too... he wished he could do that.
"How? What"
Joey laughed at his ignorance.
"YOU JOEY YOU ARE SPIDERMAN" he jumped out of his seat and grabbed Joey on the shoulders shaking him.
Alec had billions of question running through his head... he needed answers.
He wanted answers, he craved the unknown and mysteries of the world.
And Joey powers were sure a mystery to him and he needed to know everything Joey knew about his powers.
He had to.
"I have a billion question" Alec said.
Meghan's giggled in the Conner.
"And I'm willing to answer them all" Joey laughed.
Alec began to ask question and the night was filled with answers.
Joey tried answer all the questions....
After answering all Alec's question it became late and Joey had to go home.
He choose to walk home again it was to dangerous to be seen in a red costume in middle of night with these unknown creature lurking around.
The night was a cold windy night and trees shaked making leaves fall and made whole bunch of noises.
Cars honked and lights flicked on and off.
The middle of road had bunch of car lights that looked like a beacon.
Joey admired the view for a little while.
He looked at each car wondering were that person could be going.
Who they were? How they felt? What they looked like?
He loved to wonder about others he didn't know ...he knew everybody has their own life story.
He is always instrested  in people especially Daniel.
He remembers asking Daniel about every aspect of his life when they were younger.
He wanted learn so much about Daniel it was crazy.
He asked him everything when Daniel never asked Joey much about his life.
Maybe cause Joey was just so interested in how people were but was to shy ask others about how they are doing.
It was frustrating Joey hated being shy and not being able speak and get scared everytime he talks to someone.
But when he spiderman he was different.
He was able to help people and find out more about them.
Joey kept walking...
He walked past Daniels house and he became saddened.
He didn't want to look... he just wanted to get home and he had pass Daniels town home.
He walked faster and soon Daniels town house was gone and Joey was by the school.
He heard rustling...
What was that noise?
Joey thought... he heard something coming from the ally by the school.
He looked up and saw the window opened at the school.
What the hell? He thought to himself...
He had to check this out...
He went to a place were he would not be seen and jumped in window towards school.
The school was dark and nobody was there.
What are you doing Joey
His mind ran wild...
What could be here?
He kept looking through the school until he was in gym.
The large gym was empty and dark bleachers were empty.
He heard more noises until something struck him in back.
Spiderman flew across the floor and was in so much pain.
"Shit" he muttered.
One of those dark creatures were in back of him...
It was pure black...
Spiderman jumped on his feet and shoot webs at the creature.
The creature became trapped to the wall...
One of the other creatures jumped off the roof and shoot dark balls that made Spider-Man's visions dark.
"Oh so you have a friend" he shoot a web at the creature.
The creature struggled to get out...
"Well I'm done here"
Until a flaming boy appears by the door...
"What the hell" Joey thought to himself.
The flaming boy flew above Joey...
"We know your in highschool and the boss thinks we know who you are just turn yourself in"
Joey was in shock... do they know who he was?
"Never I'm not evil"
"If you don't we will hurt everybody you love... so it's your choice"
The flaming boy laughed and shoot spiderman with a flaming knocking him out.
Joey began to black out seeing the flaming boy walk away with the dark creatures.
Leaving him in the gym all alone.
A/n- this chapter sucks I'm sorry but I'm getting back into the story so... thank u for waiting for me to update

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