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For the rest of the day I didn't make a sound. I sat on my bed in silence, letting my thoughts overrun my head. With my father gone and my mother with lost memories, my brother's heart had finally cracked under all the weight. My eyes burned but I forced myself not to cry.

After Jianyu had come, he left so quickly I could not respond, but there was a dark lonely look on his face. I was in heavy thought when I was disturbed by heavy knocking, I flinched at the sound of yelling.

"Jia, they can not keep you locked up in there!"
My heart flew when I realized that voice, I stood up quickly as the door flew open again. Ling was dressed in a heavy yellow kimono, and golden pin where pushed into her small hair bun. She practically trampled the guards and hugged me tightly. I nearly cried at the sight of my best friend, but managed to keep them in.

"It's a shame they aren't letting you return to your husband."
She said bluntly but she glared at the guards who stood there unsure what to do. I blushed and tried to pull away from her.

"He's not really my husband."
I mumbled shyly, Ling paused and smiled warmly, before pinching my cheeks.

"Now's not the time to be shy, I have news for you about your husband."
She smile before letting go of my cheeks. I stared in surprise that news came from Mengyao.

"What is the news?"
I asked curiously as I looked up at Ling with piercing eyes.

"He's coming for you, and of course the others."
She said with a small smile, but it soon fell away.

"You have to convince Jianyu to let you leave or a war will break out."
She whispered suddenly serious, I felt my heart drop.

"I can't, he won't listen to me. I don't want to break his heart again."
I responded quitely, I knew me leave again would completely break him. Ling sighed before pinching my cheek again.

"Did you forget? Me and him married his obsession over you is unnatural. You worry about your husband and I'll worry about mine."
She responded sharply, I felt a little hurt but I knew she was right. Me and my brother we're closer than my parents, it never bothered me but to everyone else's eyes, it was strange.

Ling sighed again and patted me on the head.

"You've change and your brother fails to see that you can stand on your own."
I was about to asked something when, immediately two guards came rushing into my room. They looked upset but tried to soften their tones for us.

"Lady Jiayang, the emperor.. your husband has come for you.

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