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"excuse me? Repeat what you just said."
Mengyao's eyes glared heavily at the army general. Choi's body felt heavy, reporting this frightening news to the emperor himself was scarier than fighting a war.

"Jiayang told me herself, that she would return this morning, but there has been no word from her at all, it is already noon."

Choi repeated with a shaky voice, he swallowed hard at the emperor's silence. Eventually Mengyao made movement.

"Prepare my transport, I will have to rescue my wife myself.

"Guard you can't keep me in here, bring Jianyu to me at once."
I pounded my fist on the heavy wooden, but only a heavy grunt as a reply. Realizing that was all I would get I stood and faced the door in silence.

Coming here was a mistake, I thought, seeing how devastated Jianyu was before I left the place should have suggested he would be emotionally scared. I felt my anger and guilt fight in my heart as if it was some kind of war.

I moved to the overly extravagant bed, filled with extra pillows and covers and examined it. I felt my spirit wither as I sat on the bed sadly.

"The beds at Mengyao's palace were never this much."
I grumbled annoyed but extremely happy at Jianyu's attempt to please me.

"I didn't realize that you were so ungrateful."
A woman's voice came from the other side of the door. I stared at the door in surprise that someone had heard my mumbling. There was some quite shuffling of the feet before it was silent again.

"Whose there?"
I spoke loudly as I approached the door, there was silence before she spoke again.

"Have you already forgotten the sound of my voice? It has been awhile."
The voice muttered but before I could speak again, she spoke to the guard. The sounds were muffled, but eventually there was silence again.

There were two knocks at the door before the door opened slowly opened. Familiar pitch black hair ran past the waist, while the green kimono was vibrant with gold lining.

"Welcome home, Jiayang."
Meifeng outstretched her arms and brought me in close for a hug. The shock of seeing my mother up and beautiful as ever, shocked me to silance.

Meifeng pulled away and looked at me, her eyes had a very sly look.

"Why are you so unhappy to be here with your family?"
She bluntly asked as she walked to the doors and shut them. I stood bewildered, something felt off about her.

"This is no longer my home, my place is with Mengyao now."

I managed to speak, but lowly. Meifeng clicked her tongue, but stayed silent. I felt my heart sink as I realized this was not the same woman who was sick in bed, this was not my mother. Meifeng looked at me and scoffed before making her way to the door.

"Well I'll see you around Jia~"
She flung the door open she stood in surprise, I looked past her and saw Jianyu standing there wide eyed. His eyes immediately turned dark, and he looked away from Meifeng. She past without a single hesitation, Jianyu walked slowly into the room and closed the doors shut.

He didn't meet my gaze he only kept his head down.

"What happened to mother?"
I managed to mumbled, Jianyu stiffened and looked at me sharply.

"That woman is not our mother"
He practically yelled, causing me to flinch. When he saw my reaction he took a deep breath and lowered his voice.

"When she was sick.. she"
His body trembled as he struggled to continue.
"Lost her memories of us.. of father. And she became that greedy monster."

he finished off with a whisper, I stared in horror. He looked into my eyes with a desperate gaze.

"your the only family I have left, please don't leave me again."

Concubine's Greed (Revising)Where stories live. Discover now