June 16, 20XX

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"The only way to get a man to do what you want in this life," my grandmother said, "is to threaten to put him into the next one."

"Oh," I said, spoonful of cereal paused halfway to my mouth. "That's, uh, nice."

Looking across the table, my grandmother fixed me with a stare and flipped the page of her newspaper. "It's true," she said, looking back down at the small print through the lower part of her bifocals.

"I'm sure," I said. I finally finished lifting the bite of Frosted Flakes to my mouth.

"I've been through it a few times," my grandmother said. With a rustle of paper, she lay the paper down beside her empty bowl. "I have some advice for you."

With a sigh, I plonked my spoon into the leftover milk and sat back to listen. I didn't think I'd have time to eat much more, especially if Grandma was going to force me to take notes.

Her Last AdviceWhere stories live. Discover now