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I opened my eyes to the sound of a very annoying beeping sound. Bright light shined into my eyes. I heard someone's heavy footsteps walking around me.

"Where am I?" I groggily asked the person.

"You're at the WestView Medical Hospital," A female voice replied, "your car must've flipped six times. One of our county policemen will come in, to question you towards the accident in a few minutes, now that you're awake." A few seconds passed before she added, "My names Donny, your nurse for now." Th nurse walked around the bed so she can adjust the IV that was hooked up to my arm. She was a very small and slender woman, probably in her late 30's. Her light brown hair made her brown eyes look brighter and happier sending a whole new image to herself. 

I tried sitting up but she quickly stopped me, "It's better if you don't sit up just yet, the trauma from yesterday could give you a lot of pain. You have broken your left leg and your shoulder is out of place..." she paused, looking a little nervous as she said, "and your car went up in flames giving you a mild...burn, I'm sorry."

Before I could process anything, both of my parents came in, when they saw that I was awake, they quickly ran to the bedside.

"Oh, sweety! We are so glad you are okay! We've been so worried when you didn't come home the other day!"

I gave a small smile to assure them that everything is fine, but the nurses words still hung in the air. The car went up into flames? I'm burned? Reaching up to my face, I could feel the rough texture of my skin. It hurt to touch that area. 

Mom quickly put my hand down, "It's better if you don't touch that, it could hurt more."

I only now realized that my left leg was put up into a cast. "Mom, where Emmalee?" I asked while still looking at my cast.

"Um," She looked over at dad, "She's doing great, they released her from the hospital earlier today. She sort of explained what happened."

"Can you please explain in your words exactly what happened?" Dad asked, holding mom's hand.

"There's nothing much," I answered, "We left early, she was drunk so I drove."

"Paige, I don't think it's nothing much, how did you get into the accident?"

"I told you, she was drunk, so I drove, she grabbed my hand and I sort of lost control of the car. I don't know why she was drunk in the first place." I was difficult keeping my voice even. My parents tried not to notice my sudden change in behavior.

A man in a turquoise attire came in, carrying a clipboard. "Good afternoon Mrs and Mr. Connor! I am Dr. Tenor, Sadly, I don't sing very well, so please don't ask me for a solo," mom and dad smiled at that, the doctor continued, "I am a certified doctor here at WestView, making sure that girls like you get home faster," He smiled at me, I didn't say anything, "The bad news is, that since you only have a small burn and a broken leg, you will have to stay here a couple days so the nurses can check up on you to ensure that you're doing fine," He took out a few x-rays from his folder and held one up, "This is a picture of your leg, we predict that during your accident, with the pressure from the wheel and the glass, it must've crushed your leg bone in three areas after you hit the metal pole and flipped. If you're a girl who hates P.E. this might be a good thing,"

"I'm a ballet dancer," I interuppted him, "Is there still a chance that I can dance without this interfearing?" 

The doctor looked at me with sympathy, "I'm afraid not, we wouldn't want you to break anything during your dance, and the bone's may not grow back properly, so you might have a limp to your step."

"A limp?!" I exclaimed without meaning too, mom had to shush me so the doctor can go on.

"Yes, I'm terribly sorry, but there's also good news," he showed a small smile, hoping he could lighten up my mood.

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