Feelings? Never!

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Well, this chapter turned out pretty long XD


"If we get seven human souls, would we be able to create our own Universe?"

"Don't know, but they say that you will have the power of a god. So it should be possible."

"Do you think we can somehow get the souls we need?"

"Hmmm.... Of course we can. I'll just visit other Universes and steal the human souls."

"Do you really think that this will work out this easily? I don't want to loose you. You're the only one I have."

"Hahaha! Don't worry. Nothing will happen to me. I'll come back as soon as possible. With the souls we need. Just believe in me a bit more."

"Ok... I'll believe in you. But promise me, that you'll come back as soon as possible."

"Of course I'll. That's a promise! And I never break my promises."

"Yes, a promise, you will never break."


"Hey, Edgy. Could you think of any plans to escape from this stupid place?" You asked and crossed your arms while lying on the bed of the inn.

"What? Why me? I thought you're the one who'll get us out of here." Edgy replied and starred at you in confusion.

"You edgy b*tch." You mumbled and glared at him.

He grinned at you and let himself fall down onto the bed.

"We'll end up dying here if you keep up with this attitude...." You complained and pushed him off the bed.

"Don't worry, I'm sure someone will come to save us."

"Are you stupid? In the end it's a sick freak, you wish to never have met." You protested and raised your arms above your head.

"As long as this person gets us out of here." Sans replied calm and stared at the ceiling.

You crawled to the other side of the bed and starred down at him with a grin.

"What could be the worst person to get us out of here?" You asked curious.

"Don't know. What would make you want to get away from this person as soon as possible?"

"Hmmm... Not sure. Maybe a really sick appearance? What would bother you about a person?"

"Their way of speaking, maybe?" Edgy replied uncertain.

"So what if a person like this appears? Are you still willing to go with them? Or are you going to run away from this person, like me?" You asked and giggled.

"Don't know. Ask me again if we ever meet a person like this." The skeleton mumbled and flicked against your forehead.

"Okay, I will."

*Time Skip*

"(Y/N).... 'Papyrus' entered the cafe. Again." Edgy mumbled kinda pissed.

"Not again..." You whispered and sighed.

You didn't like this Papyrus. He always grinned and flirted with you. It disgusts you.

I want to go home.... (Undertale AUs x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now