New Highschool Year

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"This is our third year in high school,aren't you excited konan" you said happily

"Yeah I guess so I get to spend it again with my bestfriend" konan said

"Well this place looks bigger than last years I hope I get to see you a lot babe" hidan said putting his arm around you

"Bleh gross" konan said sarcastically

The three of you laughed

"The good thing is we all have homeroom together" you said sitting down in a bench

"The bad thing is that there is more people here Im gonna take 4 hours to get to the bathroom" hidan said

You laughed

"What time is it?" Konan asked

You checked your phone

"It's 8:15" you said

"Let's get going before the bell rings"said konan

"Good idea" you said

The three of you tried your best to get to homeroom on time

"Damn there's so many people" hidan said

The classroom door was open

The three of you went inside

There were four empty seats

You,hidan,and konan sat down

After 5 minutes the bell rang

"Hello students my name is Mr.(teachers name)"

The speaker rang

"Mr.(teachers name) you have a new student heading to your homeroom" said the lady on the speaker


"New student huh..." you said

Their was a knock on the door

"That must be our new student" said the teacher

He opened the door for the student

A boy with black hair and black eyes appeared

"What's your name son" asked the teacher

"Uh..itachi " he said nervously

"Well itachi welcome to my homeroom you are welcomed to sit wherever you want"

Itachi saw their was an empty seat next to you

He sat next to you

"Should we talk to him" konan whispered

"Sure why not" you said

You turned your head to face the boy

"Hey..I'm (name)" you said with a smile

"I'm itachi" he said quietly

"This is hidan and Konan" you introduced

"Wanna hang out with us?" You offered

"Babe what are you doing?" Hidan said

"Being nice" you said

"Yeah sure that would be nice" Itachi said

"Good" you smiled

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