Will you go to the (fair) with me ?

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It was the next day

You woke up and put on a pair of skinny jeans with a dark purple colored sleeveless shirt

"Breakfast is almost ready love" your mom yells

You went to the bathroom and washed your face and brushed your teeth

You put your hair in a high pony tail

"I'm coming mom" you said grabbing your stuff and heading to your living room

"What's for breakfast today mom" you asked smiling

"Well scrambled eggs with sausage on the side with orange juice"

You ate your breakfast and headed out to school

As you were walking you didn't see itachi

When you arrived you saw two girls with itachi

"Uh sorry I'm going to the fair with someone already" itachi rejected the girls

The two girls frowned and left

You walked up to itachi

"What was that all about?" You asked

"Oh hey I didn't see you there and did you hear all of that?" he asked

"Not all of it I just heard your going with someone" you said looking down

"Yeah I had to lie"

You looked up

"Can I ask you something?" Itachi said

"Y-yeah of course" you said

"Will you go to the fair with me?" He asked

You smiled and kissed his cheek

"I'd love to"

Itachi smiled

"Let's go tonight" he said

"Sounds good" you smiled

"I'll pick you up at 8:00" he said

"I'll be ready"

The both of you went to class and thought about eachother

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