What are you doing ?

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It was the end of the day

You were talking to itachi

The both of you were sitting on a bench

After a few minutes

Hidan saw you and itachi together

He walked up to you as he glared at itachi

Itachi glared at him back

"Ready to go babe?" Hidan said

You looked up

"Yeah" you said as you got up

"I'll see you later (name)" itachi spoke

You smiled at him


You and hidan went back to his house

he opened the door to his house

It was empty

"Where are your parents?" You asked

"They're out on a business trip" hidan said walking to his room

You followed him

You layed down on his bed

"Babe wanna play video games?" He asked

You nodded yes

He tossed you a control

"What are we gonna play?" You asked

"I don't know I have a bunch of games you can choose"

You got up to see what games he has

You picked a Star Wars one

"I got Star Wars" you smiled

You passed it to hidan lightly

Hidan put the disc in his x box

He then layed down next to you

Your phone buzzed

Message from itachi: hey how's everything going ?

Message to itachi: good where just playing video games

You were going to send another message but Hidan took your phone away

"What are you doing ?" You asked

"I don't want you to talk to him" hidan said

"Can't you just understand that he's my friend,if you continue to be like this we're going to break up" you raised your voice

You got up from the bed ready to leave

Hidan stopped you and he grabbed you by the throat

"Your not going anywhere and your still with me"he said getting closer to your ear

You tried to free yourself from his hands

"W-why are you doing this" you said being choked by hidans hands

"I just want to be with my girl" he smirked

You managed to break free from his arms

You ran towards the door and left his home

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