Chapter 7

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Kurt's POV

I woke up the next morning with Blaine fast asleep in my arms, he was so cute and I can't believe he was all mine

After about 5 minutes of admiring my boyfriend there was a knock at my
Bedroom door
"Hey little brother"
"Hey Finn"
He decided just to walk in
"Uh, there was a letter for you in the post this morning,here"
He said passing me a brown envelope
As I grabbed it,Blaine woke up and Finn left us alone again
"Good morning sleepy head" I said kissing his nose
"Morning beautiful,what's that"
He said talking about the letter in my hand
I opened it still beside Blaine,I had nothing to hide so I didn't mind if he saw it as well, it was a handwritten letter which read:

Hey lady lips,
Bet you think you were safe now your all toughest up with your fairy boyfriend, well guess what homo, your not, be prepare to come to school fag, tell your boyfriend the same thing,
Good luck, your gonna need it

"Who would do such an awful thing"

 Blaine asked Kurt

He was jut sitting there looking into space
Kurt just let go of Blaine and went right out the door, Blaine following obviously,Kurt went straight to the bathroom and locked the door, Blaine locked outside it
"Kurt, nobody's going to hurt you,we can tell the headmaster and get them expelled, nobody can hurt you now will you please come out of the toilet,your scaring me"
Blaine said
"Pleas Kurt" he asked again as a tear fell down his cheek
"Kurt. . . Are you okay"
Kurt opened the door and just fell into Blaine's arms crying non stop
"I'm so scared B,what if they hurt me,or worse,you,I can't lose you B,your the love if my life and I do-I can't lose you,your too special" kurt said crying into Blaine shoulder
"As long as your here with me,you'll never get hurt,unless we have a really bad pillow fight and I break your beautiful face" they laughed
"How would you break my face" kurt asked
"I have no idea"
Blaine replied

Looking up Blaine saw how messy Kurt's room was,it was always so tidy and everything had its own place
"Wow,your rooms a mess" Blaine laughed "who are you and what have you done with my boyfriend"
"I am your boyfriend B" kurt smiled at Blaine
"Yeah,prove it"
"Prove it?" Kurt asked
Blaine nodded and kurt grabbed him close and kissed him,a kiss filled with love and passion the kiss lasted a whole but people need air to breathe as they pulled away a though came into Blaine's head

"I want to take you out"
I was confused
"Out where? Like on a date or what?"
I asked
"On a date,a full day of us.just us"
My head fell
"Uhm. . . I don't . . . I don't know Blaine,with that letter i got this morning I don't know if if be safe going out,I'm sorry"
I said feeling bad
"Hey kurt" he smiled using one hand to pull me closer to him and wrapping the other one around my waste "who said we had to go outside,we can have a movie day,we can cuddle and get take out and just have a day all about us"
Blaine said kissing his cheek  multiple times  once he'd finished talking
" I think" I said kissing his lips
"That sounds absolutely perfect"
"Okay well,it's Saturday so your dad and Carole will be working until around 10pm and we could as Finn if he wanted to hang at Rachel's today, it's a Kurt and Blaine day"
Blaine said while hugging me
"Okay, you get the bed made and find some DVD's I'll as Finn about going out and them make some of my special pancakes"

I said while leaving the room
I walked down the hall to Finn's room and knocked on the door after a second, it opened and Finn appeared already dressed and he had a bag,
"Uhm going somewhere"I asked laughing
"Yeah,I'm staying at Rachel's tonight,I'll be back around 4 tomorrow, did you need something?" He said
"I was going to ask if you were staying here today,Blaine and I want to have a movie day, just us 2"
I smiled
"Yeah I'll be out of your way in no time" Finn paused for a moment,
"Kurt I. . . I'm really happy you found Blaine, you seem so much alive and happier, happy to see you so happy" Finn said, I responded not with words, but with a hug
"Um I'm sorry if I'm interrupting a brotherly moment but kurt,I'm hungry"
"When aren't to hungry" I laughed at my boyfriend
After eating breakfast Blaine and I headed back upstairs and watched some movies, halfway through Captain America I decided I don't want to watch it and I just wanted to talk to Blaine
I got up off the bed and grabbed the TV remote

"Hey kurt I was enjoying that" he looked at me with a sad expression 

"kurt" he grabbed my hands and pulled me closer 

"can we  talk" i asked

he looked worried and nodded

we lay down, my head was on Blaine chest and his hands were in my hair

"so what do you want to talk about?" he asked


"um,do you want to break up with me, i know i'm not the best person and i can be annoying sometimes but i can change an- Blaine, im not breaking up with you" kurt interupted half way through

"oh, okay well thats good because I Love You" Blaine smiled

"so what do you you want to talk about?" he asked

"well that letter i got this morning, it really hit me,and so did the guy writing it, it was David, you know the one" kurt looked down 

"i know he's done stuff to us before but i have a really bad feeling about hi this time, i dont know what it is but i don't feel safe anymore and i know you will always be there to protect me and to tell me its all gonna be okay and i love you for that, but its not enough, before you came to this school and before we got together,i used to be alone,i used to be the only one getting the daily beatings and slushies but no your here an i care about you so much, i cant lose you,it would quite literary kill me, i dont know what im gonna do Blaine" 

Blaine just looked into space for a moment before talking

"Kurt, David and his gang are NOT going to hurt you again, i don't care what it takes but he is not going to lay a finger on you again, a couple of nights ago when you were asleep, i sang to you i sang Not While Im Around, and i mean it Kurt, nothing gonna harm you, not while im around, not David,not his gang, nobody,i love you and if anything ever happened to you i would not be able to live with myself, we'll go to Principal Figgins on Monday first thing and make sure he knows whats going on okay?"

there were now tears rolling down Kurt's cheeks

"kurt, why are you crying?"

Blaine asked taking his hands in his own

"I. . I've never had anybody care about me so much and im just really happy you moved and we met because i dont know i i'd be here right now if we didn't, so thank you,Blaine, i mean it!

"I Love You"

I Love You Too"





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