Part 1

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Carter above

Carters POV

"Carter!" I couldn't tell if it was Levi of Lucas, but whoever it was they were getting slapped.

"Get your lazy ass out of bed I know it's summer, but that doesn't mean you can sleep all day!" I rolled out of bed if I didn't get out soon they would come up here and drag me out of bed literally.

When I came downstairs I smelt bacon...ew. I've always hated bacon it ever since I was a kid. I'm still treated like a kid even though I'm 15 maybe it's because I'm like the only person in this town that isn't a werewolf and I'm the son of the the alpha well I guess it makes sense...but still I'm a teenager goddamnit.

As I walked in the kitchen Lucas and Levi were talking dad wasn't there so he was most likely with the pack. So just listened to their conservation.

"I hope my mate is Jessie Froust." Levi said with a smile

"Not if I get to her first." Lucas said trying to get on Levi's nerves. Levi just glared at Lucas, and when he was about on him

"You know you guys have a big possibility of becoming mates, and Jessie is a slut." Lucas just bursted out laughing. We all knew Lucas doesn't like Jessie he just likes annoying Levi well at least I knew.

"Watch your mouth kid." Levi said.

"Hey I'm not a kid anymore." I said quickly in return

"Oh, yes you are I'm 18 and your 15" he said with a smirk.

"You aren't 18 yet!" I said almost screaming.

"I will be tomorrow, and so will Lucas. And at least we don't have to share a birthday with the day mom died, UNLIKE YOU!" I felt the tears building up he's never yelled at me like this, and why would he bring up mom. I ran to my room and locked the door all I herd from downstairs was Lucas yelling

"What the fuck?! Why would you do that to him you are such a dick!!!"

An hour or so later I heard knocking on the door

"Hey it's Lucas, can I come in?" I got up and unlocked the door Lucas then pushed open the door and hugged me

"I'm sorry for what Levi did he has been acting different all week, you know about turning 18 and all" I felt tears soaking though my shirt

"Why would he bring up mom like that?" I felt my tears building up again and hugged Lucas tighter he then picked me up, placed me on the bed and then laid beside me. I blushed when, he pulled me closer with his strong arms. I felt my eyelids getting heavy and not to soon after that I was out like a light.

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