Part 9

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"YOU FOOL!" Ben screamed. "You can't let me down again. we still have 5 of the most willed survivors out there. The spray may not yet be complete but we still must get all survivors off the island!."

ZombiG said in a low grumble voice. "There is only 5. How is this bad? They can not defeat us if you give them an army. We burnt their home to the ground. Killed there friends. They are all weak on the inside."

"They musn't you here me you buffoon. If they do all my hard work could be gone. Now that the spray is almost done we will be able to turn them all into zombies!"

"Um" ZombiG said. "What dose that do?"

"Simple it goes into the sky and then it explodes and turns into a spray that covers large areas and turns all in it into a zombie! BWA HA HA HA!"

"HA. HA. HA. What is so funny" 

"You act like you have no brain sometimes. oh ya, sorry."

The Unknown:Zombie IslandWhere stories live. Discover now