The big news!

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Im so sorry guys.Ive been meaning to update but I got lazy.Please dont kill me yet ok,do so after this next chapter if your still mad ok.Now enjoy!

Your P.O.V.

"Lloyd,wait up!"I laughed as we ran inside the bounty.He picked me up & carried me over to the game room where the other ninja were having a gaming tournament.

"Guys,we have big news!!!"Lloyd said with a huge smile.

"In a sec!"Jay & Cole shouted.Makayla rolled her eyes & unplugged there game.

"Listen!"she said before all attention was on us.

"What is this news you have??"Kai asked as he sat up.

"Lloyd & I are going to be parents!!!!!"I said with a smile.

"CONGRATS!"everyone said.We smiled & hugged before Makayla sprang up.

"I'll plan the baby shower one you know the gender!!!!"she squealed.

"Alright,but nothing too crazy."Lloyd said as he set me down.

"Ok."she said as she walked out of the room.

"Wanna join the tournament??"Jay & Cole asked us.

"They just started it"Zane said as he gave us drinks.

"Sure"We said as we played with them.


Sorry it was short,Next chapter will be up next week.

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