I sat frozen. I shuddered in fear. He probably wanted to kill me. I should have listened to my father! He turned my face to his. "We were born to hate each other yet I find myself very attracted to you." He said and leaned forward. I stood quickly. I took out my pen and scribbled my number on a napkin. "Uh.... gotta go....text me! Bye!" I said. I shifted form and ran home quickly as possible. I had 6 texts by the time I got home.
From: Yo' Sexy Ass Omega Bestie ;)
Did you use protection?From: Lady Rainicorn
Dont be too irresponsible. If ya catch my dirft. ;)From: Fluffy Kitten \<(@-@)>/
Have you seen my left Converse? :sFrom: Fluffy Kitten \<(@-@)>/
Its from my only pair of Converse :,(From: Fluffy Kitten \<(@-@)>/
Its pink, and small :|From: Fluffy Kitten \<(@-@)>/
nevermind I found it :)I smiled and dropped on my bed instantly falling asleep after a VERY long day.
*next day*
I got up groggily and yawned. I grabbed my phone and got dressed. I wore a blue Avicii T-shirt that said "Dont wake me up". I wore blue skinnies, and blue vans, along with a blue headband.
I skipped downstairs and completly ignored my father. I meet up with Dani, Steph, and Georgia. My phone buzzed.
From: Liam
Would you and your friends wanna come to the park?To: Liam
Sure :) Ill ask!"Hey, guys! Wanna go hang with Liam and his friends?" I asked. They shrugged. I smiled.
To: Liam
We're coming! :)We stepped out of town and into the field. We ran to town and met the boys at a secluded park. As I walked to Liam I waved. He, without warning, pulled me in a hug. I felt his breath on my neck. It scared me but at the same time I felt protected. Like he would kill anything that came near our embrace.
Steph cleared her throat and pulled me away. Harry walked over to Georgia and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. Dani growled. Georgia growled in return. She snuggled closer to Harry.
We played baseball for a while. A new smell hit the air, a sour smell. A new sound filled the park. The sound of bounding footsteps. It was not lion, nor wolf. It was a new gang of vampires. I growled into the direction of the trees.
suddenly Liam and the boys ran infront of us. Georgia clung to Harry in fear. Dani stood her ground and glared. Liam grabbed my hand making me blush. Zayn attempted to hold a pissed off Steph but she snarled.
The older looking vampire spoke with an unknown accent. "Ya know dat Werelions aren't welcome here." he said. The younger male chimed "Your in Cyan territory. Kill em Gregory!" "Hush Kyle!" Greg yelled. Kyle frowned and stepped back a little. The girl hidden by Greg was cowering.
"We came here to play a small game of friendly baseball." Harry said. "Well I run tings around here so uh day need ta go!" Greg yelled. "Day are filth ta ar' society!" without warning Liam ran in Gregs face, causing the girl behind him to jump back. "They are not filth you insolent, pathetic, annoying little Cu-" "OK!"Louis interuppted. "Liam, I think its about time you stop before you get us killed." he said pushing Liam away.
Kyle looked to Dani as if she were a piece of meat. Niall pulled her to him quickly. She hesitated for a second before giving in to his tight grip.
"Im leaving." I said not wanting to be there when things turned violent. "Yeah. Do like yo' mudda' did and walk away! Yo' just a bitch like her!" Greg yelled. I turned slowly. "You!" I yelled running at him and tackling him with all the strength I had. I shifted forms and snapped at his face. I tried to grasp his head in my mouth to snap it off but he caught me by the throat. He pinned me on the ground.
"Now you die. Just...like...her."
Darkness engulfed my vision.
Sorry I went a little twilight but I dont even really like it. Thats my favorite part though. Ok so the girl that hid behind Greg is important so pay attention to her. Shes played by my best friend Katarina. O'tay bye! :)
~xXLiamsturtleXxP.S. I need art for my cover so send me some!