Chapter TWO: Guardians,Flirts,Comic Books,Cakes and Sadism

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~Tuesday Morning~
~Vongola Mansion~
~Dining Hall~

"Eh? Tomorrow? We're going back to Japan tomorrow?"--Kyoko

"Yes. The Tenth expects us to arrive to Japan tomorrow as early as possible to discuss about the reunion this coming Saturday. He called last night,telling me that he received a reunion invitation letter similar to ours. And that's not all.. I know Tenth for a long time and and I can tell that from the tone of his voice last night,that he is planning something."--Gokudera said as he took out his invitation letter

Gokudera turn into a gentleman for the past years. He's not that so hot-blooded anymore. But,once he gets angry or mad,that's when he looses control.


"Hahaha,Tsuna can't pass an opportunity to use his Sadism Mode,we all know that. I bet he's planning a big shot for the reunion."--Yamamoto said as he took out his invitation letter too.

Yamamoto,on the other hand stayed cheerful. But once a battle started, Yamamoto will not be the same. Better not underestimate him,because he already beat Squalo many times in sword fights.

"Kufufufufu,why wouldn't he? This will be his first sadistic revelation to a mass of people."--Mukuro

"Yes,that's right."--Chrome

Mukuro and Chrome. The two illusionists stayed on their personalities with a few changes. Mukuro became a protective and caring guy. Chrome is still the quiet girl of the Family,but once she start to talk, everyone will find her interesting to have a conversation with. Except,everyone don't take Chrome lightly. She may be a quiet one,but when she's angry or mad,she'll be like the bloodthirsty Hibari. That's why,she is nicknamed "Girl version of Hibari Kyoya".

"Well,since the reunion will take place at Hotel Plaza de Cielo,one of the La Arsella Societa's properties and therefore part of Tsuna's land possessions, the chances of that happening is high."--Hana

"That's what I came up with,when the Tenth said that he wanted to discuss the reunion matter with us in person,not through a phone."--Gokudera

The other Guardians smirk along with Kyoko,Haru and Hana.

"What a sadistic Vongola Boss we have."--they all thought

"But,how about our missions?"--Hana said as her smirk turn into a worried frown.

"We'll cancel everything that involves work for this week. Just for this exception."---Gokudera

"Hmmm.. Tell Decimo that I will not take any participation in this herbivorous reunion. I will just patrol Namimori like I used to do."--Hibari said before turning into a huge amount of Cloud Flames and disappearing.

"Suit yourself,Hibari. But,once the Tenth gives an order,you must come,whether you like it or not."--Gokudera

"I know."--Hibari's voice echo throughout the Dining Hall

Hibari changed a lot for the past seven years. But,not so much. His bloodthirsty personality had simmered down and his aura change from terror to calm and serious. He now can stand crowding,but for a limited time only since he's used to being alone. His addressing forms of people changed too,but only to the ones he knew and acknowledged their strength. He calls Tsuna either "Decimo" or "Tsunayoshi". He calls Gokudera by his surname or sometimes "Storm". He calls Yamamoto "Takeshi". He calls Ryohei by his first name. Same with the others. But to the ones he deemed weak and not worthy,he still call them herbivores.

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