Omake (Special Chapter) "When the Vongola Decimo pays a visit"

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~Several days after the Reunion... (Precisely after two weeks) ~
~Sawada Household~

"Hmm.. It's so boring here. I've read all of the manga books I bought. I'm tired watching TV... Aughhhh.. What can I possibly do as a pass time?"--Tsuna said as he close his eyes

After a short while,Tsuna open his eyes as a smirk made it's way to his lips. The Vongola Decimo get up from his bed and stride over to his closet. He open the door and took out his custom-made suit. He grab his towel and proceeded to the bathroom to take another shower.

"Why not go and visit the Hotel Plaza De Cielo again?"--Tsuna said as he turn the water on.

After taking a shower,Tsuna dressed up. He step out of his room and climb downstairs.

"Oh,going out?"--Iemitsu said as he look up from his newspaper

"Yep. Going to visit the Hotel Plaza de Cielo."--Tsuna

"Hn. Hope you can dial down the sadism a bit."--Iemitsu said as he went back to his newspaper

"Are you going to make it out to lunchtime?"--Nana

"I'll try,Mom. Bye! See you!"--Tsuna said as he went to the back door.

Activating his Hyper Mode,Tsuna lit his x gloves and fly from his house the Hotel.

~At Hotel Plaza De Cielo~

"Welcome,Vongola Decimo-sama."--the guards by the entrance politely said before bowing

"Thank you for the greeting."--Tsuna said before striding over to the front desk where the same from before female employee sat

"Hello,Miss. May I ask if Katsuo-san is here?"--Tsuna

"Yes,he is,Decimo-sama. He is in his office,doing his paperwork."--the female employee said

Tsuna thank the employee before walking into one of the elevators. He press the button with the word 'Top' and the elevator begin to move upwards. It stops at every floor and the moment it stop at the 5th floor,the door open and Tsuna came face to face with Yukiji.

Yukiji let out a shock gasp as Tsuna invited him in. The elevator ride is very awkward until Tsuna break it.

"So I see that you're starting your work as a staff for a month."--Tsuna

"Y-Yes.. Serves me right."--Yukiji

"Hmm.. You must be wondering why am I here... Well,so as to let you know,I'm visiting the Hotel and Katsuo-san to know the details of the events that happened after the reunion."--Tsuna said,making Yukiji stiff

When the elevator reach the Top floor,Tsuna wave goodbye to the still frozen Yukiji and walk away to Katsuo's office.

Knocking three times,Tsuna immediately received the permission to enter and he twirl the door knob. He push the door gently letting out a creaking sound.

"Hi,Katsuo-san. How are you?"--Tsuna said as he enter the room and shutting the door behind him.

"V-V-Vongola D-Decimo-sama!! What a surprise!!"--Katsuo said as he look up from his paperworks to face his young Boss.

"Yo. Can I have a seat?"--Tsuna

"Of course!! By all means!!"--Katsuo said,prompting Tsuna to sit on one of the cushions.

"Why did you came,Decimo-sama?"--Katsuo

"Oh,nothing. I just wanted to visit the place again.. And.."--Tsuna said as he place his chin on the back of his left hand.

"Can you tell me what happened after the reunion?"

~Omake End~

~Just imagine what happened after the reunion on your own choice.~

A/N: I'm so so so so sorry,the sequel was so screwed up. :( :( :( :(

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