The Beginning

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"Shes so pretty!" exclaimed someone in the midwife's house 

"Her wings are blue and red like fire! How peculiar!" someone else pointed out along with other comments all blended together into some sort of dull roar. 

The midwife got impatient with everyone gathered around and hurried everyone else so that the baby, and its mother, could get some rest.  "One of those people were right. Her wings are very oddly colored. Better not have a birth defect or something. She could get killed." the midwife said looking at the mother intently. 

¨She is fine. Maybe just got sick while i was still pregnant with her. Ill start testing her plant growing powers in a week.¨ the mother said hopefully ¨Good powers run in the family after all so she must be a strong baby¨ 

The midwife helped the mother get cleaned up and head home with her new born. 

                                                                         *ONE WEEK LATER*

The house was engulfed in flames, poor little Kiaynna still inside.  Her mother outside screaming for her child, waiting for help to arrive. Help arrived, house in mid blaze. The team got out the water hose and aimed at the fire. The fire went out before they could even turn on the water. One of the tall Faries that was carrying the hose walked up to her "Miss? What is it you got in there?" 

The mothers face struck with horror as she screamed and ran into the charred house "Kiaynna!"

She ran through the house to the living room. Kiaynna was fine and so was the room, In perfect condition like it was frozen in time. Snow was sprinkling down from no where and the room looked like a snow globe.  Kiaynna was giggling on the floor playing with snow and making fire to melt it when she got to cold. Her mother, terrified at what she had discovered, arranged for her to be sacrificed to the gods. (They thought that powers other than ones for healing and stuff to do with plants was a curse and the village would all suffer slowly and die if the child was not sacrificed to the gods.) Kiaynna was taken to the town square that evening and strapped to a slab of flat stone. The high priest took the sacred dagger, said to be enchanted, and raised it over his head. In a flash he drove it into little Kiaynna's chest and watched her twitch spasm and bleed. They left her impaled to bleed out so the wolves would come eat her at night fall and everyone retreated home.
                                                                       *LATER THAT NIGHT*

Wolves gathered around the bleeding child ready to eat when a gunshot went off that made them scatter. Two hooded figures came up to Kiaynna'a half dead body and pulled out the dagger and wrapped her chest in bandages tightly to stop the bleeding and they disappeared into the night.

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