The Bread Boy

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As I walked down the street I thought to myself well food sounds really good right now maybe I could steal some. And then there it was. A bread stand, how could I resist? I walked over and ducked down so that the people running the stand wouldn't see me. My stomach growling like crazy I snatched a loaf of bread and ran. The old man saw me. Oh crap ive been spotted! So I tried to ditch into the alley way but I tripped and fell. The old man took the bread and yelled something angry at me in spanish. After he left I just sat there and held me knee, which is bleeding really bad because im wearing shorts. Hey look a boy is coming my way hes a tall lanky boy with brown hair and bright green eyes. He looks like someone from an anime I watched late night on cable. Id love to draw him. I was to busy thinking about drawing him and looking at his features to realize he was coming towards me! He knelt down in front of me and reached out his hand and gave me a loaf of bread. "I saw that fall you took. Must have hurt." He said and saw the blood streaming down my pale leg. Without saying a thing he picked me up bridle style and ran through the street and dodged into an alley way. The alley way was dirty and smelled like old cheese. Youve got to be kidding me. He knocked on a small door at the end of the alley and out came an old woman. She saw me, nodded, and stepped out of the way. He walked inside and put me down on a wooden table, propped my head up with a pillow, and looked me in the eyes. "This is going to hurt" he said to me then poured some funky pink liquid on my knee. I screamed in pain. It feel like my leg was falling off. He tried to keep me calm so id stop moving. He wanted to help. Me squirming made it hurt worse. The pain got so bad I must have passed out. Because the room went black.

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