Forbidden Love- Counting Stars

11 1 2

Hey guys! I thought you might like this, so here you go!!

2 NEW COMMENTS FOR A NEW CHAPTER!! P.s, in this chapter you are Sapphire, k? pps, let me know if you want to request a song or scenario for a chapter!


Lately I've been, I've been losing sleep

It's been a week. One whole week since you ended it with Draco. One whole week without sleep. Normally it wouldn't really be a problem, but with exams coming up, it was a week of living hell. But little did you know, Draco's problem was a whole lot worse.

Dreaming about the things that we could be

Draco was depressed. He knew that you had dated for all of one month, but he saw in his mind at night all the things he wanted to do with you, to show you. So years of happiness he could have had with you we're cut short, and all because he had to go and be too possessive.

Baby, I've been, I've been praying hard

Neither of you knew it, but you were both secretly praying. Praying that the other would come back. But neither of you did. You just kept suffering in silence. Neither of you wanted to be rejected again. You had tried to make it better with Draco, but he had just pushed you away and told you to leave. So you had left. You left him standing there, mouth open wide, for the second time in a month.

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