DemonKingShiki: heyo, long time no talk huh?
RebeccaAoneko: SHIKI! Why haven't you messaged me?! I've missed you so much!
DemonKingShiki: sorry lol, school is a lot of work.
RebeccaAoneko: I totally get it, I've had a butt load of work.
RebeccaAoneko: so anyway, what's new?
DemonKingShiki: nothing. Still single as always😂 you?
RebeccaAoneko: nothing much, Drakken has football practice so I'm waiting for him to get back.
DemonKingShiki: Drakken? The one from Highschool?
RebeccaAoneko: yup! we've been dating for like a year now!
DemonKingShiki: when did that happen?
RebeccaAoneko: when I was at Weisz's party last year he messaged me about how he felt, and we found out we were going to the same school so we just kinda clicked.
DemonKingShiki: oh, that's cool I guess.
DemonKingShiki: so Rebecca...
RebeccaAoneko: OH! Drakken is home. I GTG, BYE!
DemonKingShiki: oh, ok.
DemonKingShiki: Bye Rebecca.
RebeccaAoneko is away.

Rebecca is away(Shicca)
FanfictionRebecca is away (All of Shiki's POV) Based off of "Emily is away" P.S. I don't own Fairy Tail or it's characters, I only own this story line concept.