Chapter 4: 2005

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DemonKingShiki: what's shaking bacon?

RebeccaAoneko: 😂 it's shaking I guess.

DemonKingShiki: what do you mean?

RebeccaAoneko: well Drakken and I got back together and we just had an argument.

DemonKingShiki: you got back together with him even after that nasty breakup?

RebeccaAoneko: well, ya.

DemonKingShiki: any reason why?

RebeccaAoneko: so, how's school?

"She's avoiding the subject" Shiki thought

DemonKingShiki: I dunno

RebeccaAoneko: what do you mean?

DemonKingShiki: I dropped out😂

RebeccaAoneko: WHY! Your so smart

DemonKingShiki: I just wasn't happy. I'm happy doing what I'm doing now tho.

RebeccaAoneko: what do you do know?

DemonKingShiki: I work with my Grandpa's old friends. I'm a mechanic

RebeccaAoneko: aw cool! Guess what I've been doing!

DemonKingShiki: what have you been doing lol?

RebeccaAoneko: I'm a YouTuber now! I have about 5 million subs and my account name is HappyNoAoneko!

DemonKingShiki: NO WAY!!

RebeccaAoneko: what?

DemonKingShiki: you're like my favorite YouTuber!

RebeccaAoneko: DUDE! Maybe I could come visit and we can film a video together!

DemonKingShiki: PLEASE DO!

RebeccaAoneko: OMG IM SO EXCITED!

DemonKingShiki: SAME!

RebeccaAoneko: imma go book my flight and pack. See ya this weekend👋🏼

DemonKingShiki: bye Becca!

RebeccaAoneko is away.

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