3:37 PM
Ultimate frisbee
The sport of real men
Stop why
I didn't do anything wrong
Unless being a man is wrong
You're not even a man lmao
Why do u think so lowly of me
I don't but you need to get your facts straight
Um I'm definitely a man
I'm a big bad college student
ah omg scary gotta go
Ur not going anywhere
I'm literally not even scary
you just said you were a big bad college student
that's definitely scary
I meant big and friendly
you definitely said big and bad
I definitely did not
You're crazy I think you need stronger contacts
You did too
No I didn't
You know I'm not scary :)
Tho you might be scared when u see me in person bc of the height difference
stop I'm triggered
U can't do all that
Ur too soft
Jk pls don't actually
too late
I'm so hurt
You've been hurt before and got through it
not this time
You can do it
I believe in you
no I don't think so
I think I have to go bye
No you don't
Stay where you are
Stop trying to run dammit
you hurt
I won't hurt
but you do ):
I won't anymore
I pinky promise
I really hate you so much ):
You won't bc I won't hurt you anymore
8:39 PM