11:27 PM
You're turning into me
No I'm not
I swear
No way
R u sure
I won't let that happen
I refuse
Why u smiling when I'm leaving
Cya pce out
lmao bc you're not
I'm gone
um if anything I'm leaving
Can't do that I left first bye
alright I'll leave second bye
Nope ur staying right here while I disappear
too late I'm gone and never coming back
Ok fine by me I'm locking the door
And I'm keeping the children
And the dog
And the 3 cats
fine I don't need you
I'm cool with that
Just go
me too fine by me
Get outta here scram
11:34 PM
11:44 PM
Wth ur so mean
How could you turn this on me
I'm not coming back
Yes you are
No you can keep the children and dog and cats I'm out
Omg no
The kids need 2 parents
Do you really want to deprive them of a normal life
too bad you've already made your decision
I take it back
I was joking
I was drunk
And high at the same time
It's all back
I never said it
uh huh oh really
Yes really I'm a reformed man
No more alcohol or drugs
no you kicked me out I don't want to come back
Wut no that was a mistake
I was intoxicated
it's too late what's done is done
It can be undone
I'm giving up all my drugs and alcohol for you
I don't want to stay in this relationship it's over
Ok u can stop acting
I'm not bye
I miss you
I need you
I'm sorry
stop I'm upset at you
Can't live without you
I can't
U gotta come back now
Why not
I'm sad
Do u want me to be sad
yeah after what you did to me I was sad first
But I was kidding
You can just walk back in
No problemo
Too bad I'm not
U can't do this
It's not nice
What you did wasn't nice
But I took it back
You're more important than those lousy drugs
Don't do it again
I swear to god
I'll punch you
Never again
Double pinky promise
Why do I even put up with you
I love you, you love me!
11:27 AM