Chapter 1: Night Terrors

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Tara looked down at her newborn pup with admiration, she paused "Tivona" she whispered "You little one shall be called Tivona". Sparrow walked past and pressed his snout into the little pup, "What a wonderful name" he said "We, the pack know it has been hard for you, since" there was a long pause before he finished "They passing of Crow". Crow was Tara's mate and the whole pack had been saddened by his death. "He died with honour, fighting..." Tara cut Sparrow off "I know how he died!" She spat "I saw his limp, bloody body, I saw his dull eyes wide with fear! I witnessed his last breath.." Tara's voice softened and she looked away, her eyes swelled with tears. "I must go" she picked up Tivona and slipped through a hole, leading to a small abandoned house which the pack slept in. Sparrow was the Alpha of her pack, speaking like that to him was disrespectful. Tara hoped he wouldn't take her comments too far.

That night Tara curled her tail around Tivona, Tara pressed her nose gently into Tivona's soft, warm pelt, "You will never suffer at the hands of man kind, not while I'm around" she whispered gently before licking Tivona's nose and going to sleep.

3 weeks later, Tara was jolted awake from a midnight nap of the sounds of dogs howling out in pain. Tivona was still tucked under Tara's tail. Until a huge black dog knocked Tara off her paws. The dog had red fur intertwined with his black pelt, his eyes were two different colours, one being purple and the other brown. His brown eye had a scar over it, a painful looking scar. The dog lunged for Tara's neck but she quickly moved and bit into the dogs underbelly in till the metallic taste of blood filled Tara's mouth. The dog shook out of Tara's grip and bit into Tara's ear. Tara screamed out in pain "Let go!" She jerked her head sideways and a sharp pain pierced her head. She felt a warm liquid run down her face she looked to the side to see her ear laying beside her covered in blood. She heard Tivona scream, the sadness in her voice was too much for Tara to handle. Tara howled back "Tivona hide! Find a safe spot, get out of here!".

She managed to wriggle free from the dogs grip, she knocked the dog over and sunk her teeth into its neck. The dog howled in pain and its whole body shook, Tara bit harder.. The dog found away to slip out of Tara's grasp, he turned to her, anger blazing in his eyes "Remember my name you disgusting mutt, my name is Nashoba, and I will be back and it will be to kill you!" Tara barely thought about Nashoba's words and she ran to find Tivona when suddenly three dogs cornered her. "Get back!" Tara howled blood dripping from her jaws. Hackles raised, teeth bared, Tara was gonna rip these dogs throats out. The dogs lunged at her, Tara faugt them but they were too much, the dogs ripped her apart. Moments later they backed away from Tara's ripped, bloody, dead body.

Tivona had luckily found a small crack to hide in. Only hearing what had happened Tivona's whole body shook and she got closer to the opening of her hiding spot. "Hello?" She whispered as she came out. She whimpered "Anyone there?". But what she saw was horrendous, limp bodies of her pack mates surrounded her. She stared in horror, the scent of blood filled her senses. Tivona cowered in a corner and cried. Everyone was dead, her mother, her Alpha, her entire pack.

Tivona's head shot up as she heard something enter the house. She held her breath as the noise came closer and closer, until a cream coloured wolf appeared.

"Just kill me! Do what you did to my pack and sink your teeth into my neck!" Tivona screamed, her little body trembling. The wolf cocked her head and smiled, "Kill you? Now why would I do that?" She chuckled. "C-cause your a part of th-the group of dogs that killed my pack, aren't you..?" Tivona questioned. "Those rag tag nasty group of mutts? Those dogs make me sick!" The wolf wrinkled her nose is disgust." My pack was passing by and heard the fight, I came in looking for survivors, like yourself my little pup" she spoke softly. Tivona just looked down at her paws in embarrassment. "Come with me little one, you shall be safe, I promise" she tucked her tail around Tivona in comfort. Tivona breathed in her soft sent and nestled into her fur. "So what's your name little one?" The wolf questioned. "My name is Tivona.." Tivona replied quietly. "Tivona" the wolf echoed. "My name is Ivli" she said "Now we must go, my pack is probably getting worried"

Authors note~ Hello! If you are reading this.. I am very sorry that the story is kinda slow for now :/ it picks up but it's hard to make it thrilling when your idea is very bumpy. Sorry but I hope you continue reading :)

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