1.- Don't Say Yes, Run Away Now

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May, 2016

"Do you think she'll come?" Asked the green-eyed girl while looking at her reflection in the mirror. Her sister, Kimby, sighed as she approached her older sister.

"I don't really know Karlie, what happened?"

Karlie took a deep breath as she started remembering the events of that night.






"Hey!" Said an excited Karlie as she opened the door and let her friend inside the house.

"Karlie, hey!"

The taller one walked towards the kitchen where she had spent the whole afternoon baking for her friend, since she hadn't seen her in a very long time.

"So, how are you?" Asked Karlie as Taylor sat on one of the stools and she grabbed a tray of cookies and a bottle of wine with two glasses.

"Uh– great... yeah." Answered the shorter girl. "Is Josh around here?" She asked looking around.

"Nope, business trip."

"Surprise." Mumbled Taylor to herself.

"So any updates on your life? Met any girl?" Asked Karlie, smiling in the last part.




"What happens? Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, yeah, of course. Why wouldn't it be?"

Karlie just tilted her head to the side, looking wary at her friend. "You're being all gloomy and sad. There's obviously something bothering you, what's going on?"

"It's nothing really." The older girl assured her friend.

"It's something for me. You're my best friend, and I care."


"Please tell me, maybe I can help you."

"Karls, drop it. It's nothing serious. Just some stuff going on at work." Taylor lied, hoping her friend would drop the subject.

But Karlie, having known Taylor for years, didn't believe a word.

"Okay." She said don't wanting to push her, and thinking if it really was important, she would tell her.

"So... the wedding! Are you excited for the months of preparation that have yet to come?" Asked Karlie excitedly.

"Oh." Taylor said looking to the ground. "Um... about that... I– I actually don't think I will be able to... make it."

Karlie's face dropped in that moment and Taylor internally kicked herself for doing such a careless and selfish thing to her best friend.

"What– what do you mean you won't be able to make it?"

"Work is... keeping me very busy and I don't think I will be able to help you."

Karlie was about to speak again when Taylor interrupted her, "There also may be a chance of me having to go on a trip with... the company in May."

Karlie nodded as she took in the information and after a while, she spoke, "You know what's the worst part of this?" She asked more angry now than sad.

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