2.- And We Run

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Walking down the aisle wasn't something Karlie had ever thought to be such a hard thing to do. But at that point, it was almost a miracle she had managed to get out there without looking a complete disaster.

After Taylor had left, Kristine had done again her make up as she tried to calm her down. It didn't help much, though.

Karlie's mind was still running in circles as she approached Josh. She had to admit that he looked good but there was just something missing and Karlie couldn't figure out what it was.

He was smiling like an idiot and Karlie tried her best to smile back at him, but she felt as if everyone was looking at her as if they knew exactly what was going on in her head.

She knew they didn't. But she still had that feeling.

When Josh took her hands they all sat and the preacher started to talk. Karlie didn't know what he was saying. Her mind was racing.

What if Taylor was right? She looked one more time to Josh. He was really nice– more than nice he was amazing, but she didn't feel as good with him as when she was with Taylor.

The decision was made.

She cleared her throat and looked to the preacher.


"Excuse me?" Asked the old man, clearly confused.

"I can't." She started as she looked at Josh.

"I– Josh, we can't get married."

"What?" Asked Josh slightly laughing, worry clear in his eyes.

"I can't do this." She started again as she looked to their families. Then, she looked back to Josh and gave him an apologetic look.

"Sorry." She said as she quickly ran away. They were in a forest so she took off her heels and headed to the parking lot, running.

At the same time, Taylor's mind was also running in circles. Back in the room she had managed to look confident and act as if she knew what she was doing, but she didn't really know what was going to happen. Of course she hoped Karlie would choose her, but with each passing second, she felt her heart was going to explode.

She decided to look out of the window, when she saw someone running. As the person approached the car, Taylor saw Karlie with her heels on her hand and she couldn't help but smile.

Minutes later, Karlie was sitting on the passenger seat. Neither of them knowing what to say, neither of them knowing what to do next.


"Yeah?" Asked the blonde turning her head to look at Karlie.

"What are we going to do next?"

"I– I don't know."

"What? You were the one who got us into this and you don't even have a plan?!"

"Karlie! Relax, Okay? You're freaking out and I understand but you need to keep calm down."

Karlie took a deep breath and nodded. She knew Taylor was right.


Taylor smiled as she took the girl's hand and kissed it. She started thinking about what they could do next. They were in LA and they would arrive to her parents' house in no time. But she didn't want to take Karlie to her house just to be welcomed by her parents. The younger girl was already panicking, the last thing she needed was seeing more people. She started to think and suddenly an idea came to her mind. She smiled to herself as she started the engine.

Karlie looked at her best friend. She was smiling.

"What are you doing?"

Taylor's smile grew wider.

"We are going to Big Sur."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2017 ⏰

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