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"Did you go there without telling anyone?"

"Well, no one was checking on her, and I was feeling like beating someone up. But when I tried to punch her in the face, she got so scared she started to talk."

Steve sighed and followed Natasha down the long corridor, waiting as she typed in the code before entering the small room with the few cells Tony had put in case they got someone who shouldn't have been handed to the government immediately. Right now, Lucy was the only prisoner.

"Tony's already in there," Natasha said as the metal door opened. Steve walked in, the Black Widow following him and closing the door behind her.

Lucy was sitting on a metal chair, her hands tied behind her back and her black hair hiding her face almost completely. Her clothes were stained with blood, probably caused by Natasha, and Steve felt twistedly content with it.

Tony turned towards them from the corner of the room and nodded for a moment before returning to Lucy.

"Our dear friend here was talking about a certain organization we know very well. Might repeat what you said before, home-wrecker?"

Lucy shook her head at Tony and raised her head, showing her dark eyes. She looked at Steve and a creepy smile made its way on her face.

"Look who's here, the knight in shiny armor. My sister's such a fangirl."

"Don't you fucking dare-" Steve blocked Natasha before she could make another move towards the girl. He nodded towards the redhead and approached Lucy, slamming his hands on the table.

"Tell me why you're alive, and why you're working for Hydra," he said with a cold expression, his eyes burning with anger.

"My sister told you, uh? What did she say? Sigh, I killed my sister. My beloved Lucy died because of the powers I couldn't control-"

Her sentence was stopped when Natasha punched her right on the jaw with such strength that she fell on the ground with the chair, making a loud groan.

"Natasha!" Steve yelled, turning towards her.

"She did the damn right thing. This motherfucker should watch her mouth," Tony stated, his arms crossed.

Steve reluctantly helped Lucy up as she spit out blood.

"She never killed me! That idiot thought she did, but I made her believe it. She already had the power of bringing people back from the dead, but she thought she didn't because I wasn't dead. They gave me a serum to stop my heart for a hour, basically faking my death Juliet's stile," Lucy started talking, her voice slightly shaking in fear as she tried to yank away from Natasha. "I was already working with Hydra, and they convinced me to use Hazel, to convince her that we could help her with controlling her powers. But instead of searching for help, she disappeared. I have no idea how she managed to completely vanish from every radar, but she did. And she was only found when she joined you, by that Marnikov guy, who desperately needed our money. And then, you've been so stupid to bring her in the furthest and most hidden place Tony Stark held, and we found you more than easily. We waited to see what Bruce Banner came up with, and when we got satisfied enough, we attacked."

Steve tried to push away any kind of emotion as he only rationally thought about the right questions to make. "Was it planned for you to be kidnapped?"

Lucy remained silent as she smiled at the three, the time for her to talk apparently finished.

"We should kill her now," Natasha stated, already gripping her gun as Tony stopped her.

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