Chapter 2

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Let me tell you something about dying.
Every day is like being slapped across the face. You tell yourself to treasure the time left, but when the day ends, a fresh wave of panic washes over you when you realize you haven't done what you wanted to do. Especially if you only have a month left to live.
It's torture, but we've got to learn how to deal with it.
"Goodbye," the girl smiled at me as the doors of the hospital slid open. I just rolled my eyes at her, ignoring her hurt look and the wrench in my gut as I walked out.
I hate my life.
"MAAAAUDDDD!" Screw that. I'd give anything to be dead right now.
I turned and glared at the boy bouncing up and down in front of me. "So it's you again," I drawled. "Come to torment me with your irritating voice?" Louis grinned. "NO! I was just walking around and saw you! Coincidental, eh?" I gritted my teeth. "As coincidental as your face," I growled.
"I know right!"
That was it. I couldn't take it anymore. I shoved him back with as much force as I could muster, watching in satisfaction as he stumbled. "God!" I snarled. "I just want to be alone. Can't you just fuck off?"
His expression softened into one I knew well. The one doctors give when they tell you you're not going to live long. The one relatives give you as they let you have what you want, even if it's not right.
My stomach clenched, as did my fists. "Look, Maud," he started softly. "I know you're hurt -" My anger disappeared. How did he...? Louis didn't seem to notice my expression. "And I know this is hard. But everyone needs friends." My eyes pricked and I turned away. "I don't need friends," I muttered and started walking down the street.
His hand clamped down on my shoulder, stopping me. His other hand pressed a piece of paper into mine. A strange tingling went through my body. "If you need me, call me," he said. His phone number was written in large blocks. I stared at it.
And ripped it apart, throwing the pieces of paper into the air as I continued walking.
I rapped on the door loudly, each knock becoming louder than the previous one. Finally, there was a patter of footsteps and the door swung open. "Darlin'!" Aunt Dal exclaimed, throwing her arms around me. "You're back!"
"Umm... Yeah," I said awkwardly, pushing her off me. I decided to change the subject. "Where's Mum?"
Aunt Dal shifted nervously. She looked more awkward than I felt. "Oh umm.. you know," she stammered. "She's just back from visiting some friends. She's resting in her room now." I felt my mouth twist into a scowl. "By 'visiting some friends', you mean getting wasted and stumbling back home, don't you?" I asked coldly, watching as Aunt Dal ran her manicured fingers through her perfect blonde hair. There was a pause. Finally, she sighed, closing her eyes. "Darlin'," she said. "You know you're mum's going through a hard time right now." But I didn't want to know. I didn't want to know that my mum had drinking problems. I didn't want to know that Aunt Dal had to search for her every night and make sure that she was safe. I could feel the familiar resentment growing in the pit of my stomach.
"Yeah," I spat out harshly. "She's going through a hard time and that gives her a reason to go out every night, get drunk, and leave her dying daughter alone. What a hard time she's having."
"Mau - "
I pushed past Aunt Dal and raced uo the marble steps leading to my room and within a second, I was staring at myself in the bathroom mirror.
I turned on the tap and scrubbed my face quickly, washing away the tears, my hand reaching for the familiar metal. I stared at the razor, and I could feel my walls crumbling. I just wanted to slit my wrist open and bleed to death.
I raised the blade.
I stopped and a pair of bright blue eyes stared at me. Startled, I dropped the blade.
But it was just an illusion.
Frowning to myself, I walked out of the bathroom, leaving the razor sitting alone in the sink.
I closed my eyes and those eyes appeared again. This time, I knew whose they were.
Oh my gosh.
I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in such a long time and yet I give you this crap of a chapter.
I am so so so sorry.
I'm dedicating this to @ImJustAnotherPerson. You really made my day :).
Again, I'm sorry.
P.S. Remember to smile :) don't let life get you down :D.

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