Chapter 15

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   What?" the words rolled out of my mouth quickly. "A witch? How could I be a witch Bonnie? That's not possible."
      She looked just about as stunned as I did. We both couldn't believe this news.

      "I-I don't know how it's possible Lily but I'm sure of it. I can feel it. Do you know if you have anyone in you family that was a witch?" Bonnie says. "No not that I know of. But I mean aren't witchy powers passed down from one to another. Wouldn't that mean the whole family would have powers?" I said. I couldn't handle this today. I was a stone throw away from having a metal breakdown.

    "Yeah I mean that's what's supposed to happen. But I have no idea where your powers came from." Bonnie looked utterly perplexed. Neither of us could figure out what was happening. This was just a big confusing mess. " Lily if you want I could teach you how to use your powers. " I nodded my head as an answer. To lost in thought to use words. "Meet me at Elena's after school. Do you want a ride to school?" I told her no and said my goodbyes. The truth was I wasn't even going to my school today. I wanted some time to myself. With being told your father is dead and your a witch you really don't feel like going to an algebra class.

        As I walked down the street I thought of where I could go. I didn't think it was a good idea to stick around town where people would see me out of school. So I decided I would take the long walk through the woods and towards the bridge. It was somewhere I could think about all of the crazy things suddenly happening. I mean this stuff only happens in tv shows and sappy romance novels. And I mean our lives are definitely not a tv show.

      I had been walking for a few minutes and decided to hum a song
    Oh her eyes her eyes make the stars look like they're not shining Her hair her hair falls perfectly without her trying
She's so beautiful and I tell her everyday
Yeah I know I know when I compliment her she won't believe me and it's so it's so sad to think she doesn't see what I see
But every time she ask me do I look ok I say
When I see your face there's not a thing that I would change cause your amazing just the way you are
And when you smile the whole world stops and stares for awhile cause girl your amazing just the way you are

My hum had broken out into words and all. I loved Just the Way You Are by Bruno Mars. It was hard not to sing the words. As I went along with the song my mood started to pick up. I loved music and my dad use to say ever since I was a little I loved to sing. He said it was one of his favorite traits of mine. These thoughts brought tears to my eyes. I continued walking letting the tears drip down my face.
        There were so many good memories I had with my father. There was the time I decide to make pizza from scratch. I made him go out and buy me all the ingredients. Later that day we had spent all day in the kitchen, trying to make one perfect pizza. It had been a complete and total mess. There was dough and sauce everywhere. After failing with 10 different pizzas we finally accomplished making one. It was one of my favorite days.
        Another time was on my birthday. A few weeks earlier my dad had worked extremely had to get me tickets to see my favorite band in concert. I was beyond excited. At last the day had finally come. First we woke up late. This sent us into a frenzy of trying to get ready in time. The stadium was far away so we had to be ready early if we wanted to get there on time. So we were already late. Then on the way to the car my dad realized he didn't have the camera. We spent another 30 minutes trying to find it. The final straw was when we got out to the car and it refused to start. I had given up on my dream of getting to the concert right there. My dad had another idea instead. He took me into the living room and pulled out his guitar. Then he started playing all my favorite songs. Sure they weren't played very well but it made me smile. Eventually he got me up and had me sing. Probably wasn't as good as the concert but we had so much fun. We ended the night by going to the grill. Then when we came home we ate a bunch of ice cream and cake. I felt sick but I was happy.
         We weren't always so happy though. We were like any average father and daughter and we got into fights. I wish I had the chance to see him before he died. I would of told him how much I love him. I would of apologized for all the times I had yelled at him or disobeyed him.
          I just wish he was here with me. I don't know how I'm going to even continue living in the same house as Stefan and Damon. It was Damon who killed my father and Stefan knew about it. I am usually a pretty forgiving person but this was basically impossible to forgive.
            I had finally reached my destination. I walked out onto the road and went over to the bridge. I loved how beautiful it looked here. But it didn't feel the same. Not with what happened to Elena's parents. It may look pretty here but it would never truly feel the same. But it was a place where I could be alone. I walked to the side of the bridge and climbed down to the area below. There was a small spot of land between the bridge and the rocks. It was completely safe and away from the water but it was also hidden. No one could see me sitting there.
            Once I got down there I pulled out my sketchbook and began sketching the water. It took awhile but once I was finished I grabbed my book from my backpack. I was reading Catching Fire the second book in the Hunger Games. It was an awesome series. I read for what felt like an hour. Then I got up and decided to head back so I would be on time for Elena's house.
         By the time I had gotten back to town I knew they would already be home from school. I walked to Elena's and when I got there knocked on the door. The door opened to reveal Elena. "Hey Lena Bonnie told me to meet her here. She's gonna show me uhhh something." I told her. "It's ok Lily Bonnie told me you were a witch." Elena said with a kind smile. She let me in and shut the door behind me.

**********Time Skip************
        A few hours later Elena, Bonnie and I were waiting for Caroline to show up with food. I hoped it was soon cause I'm starving. There was a knock at the door and I begged it was Care. Sadly it was not. It was Stefan, who Lena had called earlier. He glanced behind Elena at me for a moment but then they both went out on the porch to talk.
         "Do you want me to show you how to do something with you powers?" Bonnie asked me. I smiled "That'd be cool". She turned and pulled out some pencils from her bag. "Okay your gonna levitate these. The only thing you have to do is reach you hand out and focus. Focus on moving it with you powers." She told me. I was nervous but I did as she said. I reached my hand out and tried to focus. It wasn't working.
       So I closed my eyes and tried harder. Still nothing. "Come on Lillian you can do it" With these encouraging words I tried again. And this time it happened. The pencils floated up and hung there in midair. "Woah" I was mesmerized.
           Then the door opened and my concentration broke. The pencils all landed on the floor. "Lily can Stefan talk to you for a sec" I looked and saw Elena. I didn't want a scene so I got up slowly and headed out onto the porch. Stefan was out there waiting for me. I didn't look up. Knowing I was in trouble. I didn't want the person I was mad at know that I felt guilty. "Lily I'm sorry that we're putting you through this. It must be difficult for you with everything that's happening especially with your dad. I wish you didn't have to deal with it. I wish Elena didn't have to deal with. I'm trying my best to keep you both out of it. But I know it's still tough. You can't skip school though. I didn't know where you were. You weren't at home and no one had seen you around town. I was worried. You can't do that to me. I'm your guardian now. I know it's weird and you probably mad at me about Zach but you can't jus run off."
        Once he was done I finally looked up. My eyes were watery. Gosh I wish I could stop with the crying. "I just don't know what to do. Everything's so different now. And the worse part about my dad is that Damon killed him. How can I go home when he's always there? It's never gonna be the same. I've only known you guys for a short time and I felt like I could trust both of you. But then of course something had to ruin. I trust you more then Damon but still." He nodded his head. " I know but hopefully things will get better. You might forgiven Damon but that's ok. Maybe one day you will but you don't have to worry about it now. How about you stay the night with Elena and I'll pick you up in the morning." He told me and I said ok. I was about to walk back in when I turned around and hugged him. He was stunned for a moment but then returned it. I let go of him and went back in. I jumped onto the couch with Elena and Bonnie. "Now all we have to do is wait for Care and the food"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2016 ⏰

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