Chapter 11

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                       The car ride back to my (well I guess our) house was pretty quiet. I didn't really know what to talk about. I didn't know Stefan that well. I wanted to though. Sure he was a vampire but I wasn't afraid of him. I just had this sense. Ever since I was little I could read a person. I could look at them and just see in their eyes who they were. When I look at Stef I see someone truly good. He has just been cursed with the life he has. The life of a creature of the night who everyone fears. I don't want him to be all alone because people are afraid of him. I will be his friend and he can't get rid of me. 

         "So uhhh Stef what are we gonna do today?" I asked him. I was hoping we could hang out. "Well I've got a friend at the house so after you meet her we'll see were it goes from there" he replied. "Cool I'm meeting one of Stefies friends" I said with a laugh. He chuckled then glance over at me. I just gave him a sheepish smile. 

                We finally pulled up at the boarding house. I jumped out and ran to the door. If I had to admit it I truly missed my home. The only sad thought was that my dad wasn't going to be inside waiting for me. This made me feel a lot worse thinking about my dad. I shook the bad thought off and went inside. I stood in the front foyer and dropped my backpack. "I'm home!!!" I shouted out loud. Then I heard footsteps come down the stairs. I looked up and saw a pretty blonde girl. She looked at me and I saw a smile spread across her face.

        Stefan then walked in the door and found me and the blonde looking at each other. "Lily meet Lexi, Lexi meet Lily." he said. "Hiya" I said with a smile. This must be the friend Stef told me about. She came down the rest of the stairs and met us at the bottom. "Hey nice to meet ya. Stef told me about you" she said with a smile brighter then mine. "I'm gonna head up stairs and take a shower. You guys just hang out in the living room. Stay out of trouble both of you" he told us. "Hey" Lexi and I called out. 

          Stef went upstairs and we headed into the living room. I plopped down on the couch as Lexi plopped down too. "How do you and Stefan know each other?" I asked. "Oh we friend from a long time ago. " she replied. "Has he always be as stiff?" I continued questioning. She laughed "Yeah he's been like that for a while but don't worry o make him have fun." I laughed along with Lexi. I could tell we would be fast friends. 

         Lexi and I continued to talk. We talked about Stefan and crazy things that you would never believe he'd done. The topic of conversation went on to talk about crazy things we've done. Lexi laughed at me after hearing about stuff of done. Then at laughed at stuff she's done. After we laughed about pranks we pulled. We talked about so many things and I had so much fun. I really liked Lexi. She was so nice and she really understood me. I know I sound stupid for saying it after talking to her for maybe an hour but it's true. 

          "No way you have literally been everywhere and done everything. I wish I could do half the things and seen half the things you have." I said after hearing about Lexi's adventures. "Well you try to do as much as you can in a little over 300 hundred years on earth." She said with a laugh. 

       "I see you two are good friends now" a voice said from behind me. "You took forever Stef" I said. "Yeah you took way too long. You wanna look pretty on your birthday don't you? Lexi said. "Birthday OMG it's you birthday!! I said. We have to do something awesome tonight. "

       We headed upstairs to Stefans room. My first time in by the way. They started talking about Elena and I got bored. So I quietly snuck out and headed to my room. I was just gonna wait here till they noticed I was gone. I pulled out my sketchbook and turned on some music as I thought about what I could do for Stefans birthday 

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