My Halloween...

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By: Mavis Scarlet

Halloween was coming. I was super excited. It was the first halloween in KAS for me. KAS stands for Kaohsiung American School, it's my school right now, but I am from Japan and I think it is really a fun experience to do Halloween in school. We never get to do it in Japan. I got to make a lot of memories! I was going to decorate my room, my house, get candies and get candies! I was super excited for this day. Till the moment I realised I need a costume. A costume...

I walked into my mom's bedroom where she usually relax. The room is always filled with stuff and her room is always cold. When you are hot, you just go into her room. We call her room, "Fridge"

"Mom! Halloween is coming." I said in excitement.

"Yes, it is" She replied calmly.

"Sooooo, ummm" I hesitated to ask,

"Yes?" mom asked,

"I need a new...ummm...costume for Halloween."

"Oh, is that so."said mom, "We can go shopping someday before halloween, ok?"

"That'll be great! Thanks mom!" I was happy.

"Oh, by the way, I need you to get some onions and garlic for dinner. Can you go with your sisters please?" my mom asked me politely.

"Then, can I get some crosses for my halloween decoration?" I suggested, when I think of cross, I imagine Halloween because vampires hate them and I think it's really cool to have crosses for Halloween.

"Sure, anything you want" She answered me politely again.

The other day, while we were eating dinner, I was about to ask my mom if we could go shopping for Halloween this weekend . However, before I asked her, she told me that she was going to eat dinner with her friends.

"Sorry, sweetheart. I totally forgot that I was going out... Next time, I'll remember it ok?" My mom was really sorry.

"I'm good, mom. You don't have to be that sorry. It happens." I was kind of sad but I wanted to let my mom have fun, so I wasn't mad at all.

We can't shop...well, that's ok right? We can go shop the other day right...? I thought to myself

Next day at school, on lunch time, Renee and I were just chatting and chatting. The cafeteria was very loud. We almost needed to shout.

"Renee, Halloween is coming and what should I wear?" I asked.

"I always be a devil, so I'll be devil this time too." She sounded cool.

"Oh" I replied.

I asked 8 of my friends that was sitting on my table. but they all already had some idea. I was scared that I might be the only person who has no idea AT ALL.

This is not good, but we can still go shop. I think... I hope...

When I thinked about it, I can't go shopping with my mom. So I asked my mom if I could go shop with my sisters.

"Hey mom!" I called her cheerfully.

"Can I go shopping this weekend-"

"Honey, I told you that I can't go." She interrupted me.

"Mom, I'm not done with my sentence! I was asking if I can go shopping with my SISTERS." I explained.

"Oh, sorry to interrupt. Yes, yes you may." she replied happily.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2016 ⏰

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