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You stepped out into the heat, sweat trickling down your forehead. Dang it's hot. You thought, lacing fingers through your loose (h/c) hair.

Your feet met the cobblestone streets as you made your way to the guild. You peered at your (f/c) Fairy Tail mark on your forearm.

You smiled softly and opened the large doors to the guild. You were met by a flying beer mug. Ducking as fast as possible, you felt it whiz by, barely missing your ear.

You looked up, meeting the culprit of the thrown mug. Gray stood sheepishly looking at you, a light pink dusted across his cheeks.

"S-sorry (y/n), I uh, I didn't mean to throw that..." He mumbled.

A smile cracked from your upset facial figures. "It's fine." You answered.

Natsu suddenly tackled him. "Stop talking to your girlfriend and fight me!" He yelled, punching Gray's back.

"She's not my girlfriend!" He yelled. You blushed and walked toward the bar.

Lucy wiggled her eyebrows at you. Placing a rightful punch on her shoulder you glared, clenching your teeth.

"You so like him!" She laughed.

"S-shut up!" You yelled.

She smiled again. Heat overwhelmed you yet again, not to mention your blush.

"It's hotter than hell." Erza remarked, wiping sweat away from her forehead.

You nodded in agreement.

"This is the hottest it's been, since..." Mira frowned. "I actually don't know."

You raised an eyebrow. "Well all I know is I'm melting like ice cream over here, could you-" suddenly the whole floor of the guild turned ice.

A sweet cold breeze shifted in the air.  All the guild turned, to see Natsu and Gray battling in the middle.

"Flame brain!"


"Dragon breath!"


"Squinty eyes!"

"Pervy Popsicle!"  Natsu smiled, thinking he had won.

"Ash hole!" Gray shouted, clashing his forehead against Natsu's, his fist clenched, and obviously his shirt off, somewhere around the room.

"Gray-sama!" You heard somebody shout. You turned and saw the water Mage, Juvia running over to Gray.
Before she could get to him she slipped on his icy floor and face planted.

You couldn't help but surpress a laugh. You snorted and held your gut, trying with all your worth not to laugh out loud... But then it came. Laughing and giggling exploded from you as a very dazed Juvia slowly stood up.

"H-hey! D-don't laugh at Juvia!" Juvia shouted.

"Don't talk in third person." You remarked. (I'm sorry I've just never really like that about Juvia, okay back to the thang)

Juvia scowled, got up and started making her way to you. Your brow furrowed. Water erupted around her hands.

Activating your Wind magic you watched her moves carefully.

She sent a sphere of water hurdling at you. With a gust of wind you blew it out of the air. Anger plastered on your face, you made an air cloud below you. You stood on it and slowly lifted up.

Anger boiled within you. Making a small tornado you sent it flying at Juvia, who tried to run, but got her foot sucked up into it.

Her screams could be heard as your tornado toyed with her, spinning her around, giving her a nice daze.

The spinning air soon disappeared, and left Juvia, sitting on the ground, her blue hair poking out in all directions. Her hat tilted to the side. She looked up at you with wide eyes.

"Juvia is sorry!" She yelped, bowing. "Juvia will not challenge you again, O great princess of Air."

A smiled played on your lips. You jumped off the cloud, which then disappeared.

You looked up to see Gray staring at you, a blush on his cheeks. Again you were overwhelmed by heat. Sweat trickled down your forehead.

Gray noticed and sheepishly started making his way towards you. Without a word he wrapped his arms around you. A blush heated your cheeks. You stared, your mouth slightly agape.

His cold skin grazed yours. You instantly felt better. Melting into the embrace you rested your head on his bare shoulder.

"You walking freezer." You mumbled, smiling.

He laughed nervously.

You laced your fingers through his raven hair. Gray placed a kiss on your cheek. Your eyes widened.

"(Y/n) I'm sorry this has taken me so long, but I just didn't have the courage.. But... I... I..." He stuttered, sounding extremely flustered. "(Y/n) I love you."

You heart raced. "I love you" he said it, he just confessed, the very thing you have dreams about. Your heart thumped in your chest as your cheeks heatened but was soon cooled by his soft touch. You froze, staring at the wall infront of you.

"I-" the words got caught in your throat. You swallowed hard and began again. "Gray... I-I love you too."

Gray exhaled with what seemed like relief. He pulled you back. You peered into his dark mesmerizing eyes.

He kissed you gently. Your heart lurched but you soon melted into the kiss. Intertwining your fingers through his Raven hair, you wrapped your arms around his neck.

Was that good? Hopefully!
Sorry this tool me so long, I... Nope I have no excuses I'm just fat/lazy.
ALSO! I started a book named You're My Choice, so could you please go and check that out? That would make my day :D

Thankz for reading!!!! Byezzzzzz!!!!!

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