Chapter 40: Even Gods Have Emotions

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"Great rehearsal, guys!" Jinxx shouts, announcing to the small crowd consisting of BVB and TSOSM. "You're gonna kill it tomorrow!"

The rehearsal ends. Frey and Kane give each other looks as they pack up. They show sympathy for each other.

Astaroth keeps his often silence. He slinks back and dismembers his drumset.

All the guys begin mingling about. They get on the topic of the show, the band, and the closer-than-ever future.

"What will you guys be doing after the show?" Jake asks, eyes flaring with curiosity.

Cadell answers, "Depends."

"On what?" CC questions.

"If we win or not..."

You could hear your own heart thumping; your blood rushing through your veins; eyelids opening and closing automatically; your own bones breaking. Silence swept us.

CC laughs in the face of the unknown. "You'll win. And even by a slim chance you don't, people will pick you up on their labels." He seems confident in his boastful answer.

I turn my head to a booming voice: Astaroth. "It's not that simple, CC." He trots over to the group conversation. Albeit, rarely an extrovert, Astaroth was very charismatic. "It's very hard to get people to sign you on." He paces his speech. "If we win, it will probably be the best thing that has ever happened to me. It would mean we could possibly get signed on BVB's own label and tour around with you guys. I mean, we're friends, aren't we?"

Nods all across the room.

"And some are even more than friends," Kane smiles brightly, gesturing to the duo of Andy and I.

"True," Astaroth says, smiling slightly at me. "So, it is decided." He clasps his palms together. "We will stick together, no matter what happens!"

Astaroth sticks his hand out; he waits for someone to get the picture.

Frey steps forward, slapping his hand on top Astaroth's. Next is CC, Kane, Jinxx, Jake, Ashley, Cadell, and finally Andy. I squeeze in between Andy and Cadell.

We had one of those moments - those electric, fiery, godforsaken moments. Everyone seemed to be at home in this little crowd of people.

"To Scraps' victory!" Ashley announces to the crowd. "One, two, three!"

"Scraps' victory!" we all shout, giggling in the process.

Eventually, all depart after a long day's work. Everyone except Andy and I, that is.

"C'mon, Leth! Let's just go over the song one more - "

"Ugh!" I fight back. "We have enough practice under our belts. Also, don't call me Leth. It's not my name."

He rolls his eyes at me and plugs in the stereo. "Just one more, Lethia. Please? I want to be safe."

His begging drags me down to my knees. "Fine."

I get in my starting position. I find my way among the marked lines on the floor and the small dents in the ceramic tiles. The tiny spaces between them seemed to be tiny gateways to hell; where insects and germs flourished.

Andy comes up behind me, without turning on the stereo. He wraps his long, concentric arms around me, ensuring my warmth.

"Andy?" I bubbly question. "Why didn't you turn on the stereo?"

His lips brush my neck softly. Warm breath radiates upon my skin. His fingertips sting me slightly, pushing down on my tender skin. "When's the last time we had a tickle war?"

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