Chapter 24 - The Gold Card

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Angelia Selosvone

2 weeks later..

I recover quite fast in this state , I just need a little more rest and I'm ready to work again. My parents hate Alex and still blaming Alex for this when I already explain them the whole story.

They still blame Alex for that but I keep telling the that I like him. They don't a approve a bit. My parents and Kayla are crazy after hearing the news of me die because of the car crash makes them a lot protective towards me.

After the crash , Jackson brought me away and I was a little dizzy at that time because of the hard crash but thank God I didn't die. Nate was abusing me , he asked so many things about Alex but I don't know abot Alex that much

It doesn't cause me any trauma or something like that but it's just.. I hate experiencing that again. I don't want to experience something that terrifying again.

Today Sophia , Janet and Jean are planning to come to my house. In 15 minutes actually , I just ate my breakfast and now I'm waiting for them to come.

"How's my princess doing?" I looked up to see my dad sit on the dining table across me and I just smiled weakly


"You never contact with Alex again right?" He asked and I nodded

"Look for someone else.. he's-"

"He's a good person dad.. i'm the one who agree to this stop saying that.. I know what I have to do about this" I sighed

"You almost die!" My dad bursted

"I'm not right? Alex got me on time" I said and mom came into the picture.

"I trust her" She suddenly said and my eyes widen

"Raline" My dad sighed

"I met Alex yesterday.. more like he's the one who came to me" I looked at my mom seriously and waited for her to continue her story.

"He apologise for everything , he told me about every detail things and just apologise. He asked about your condition and I just told him that you're fine. He's a good man that why I'm letting her if she wants to meet him again or maybe date him" I smiled and dad groaned

"No!" My dad stated and my mom just asked me to go away , I nodded. I walked out from the kitchen and at the same time I got a message from Sophia that she's outside.

I walked out and greeted them. Hugging them one by one , Jean is no longer pregnant. She already went through her labour around 3 weeks ago , when my dead news was out.

They hugged me and we often meet these days , they comfort me and so is Kayla. I introduced them to Kayla too.

"How are you doing?" Janet asked me

"Good , how about you guys?"

"Fantastic as always" Sophia answered and Janet agreed to it


"How's the twins?" I asked Jean

"They're so cute , Blake is currently baby sitting them right now" She squealed and I let them inside. They greeted my parents politely. Leading them to my room and we all sit comfortably. I sit on my lazy chair

"I have something for you" Sophia stated

"Me too"

"This" Sophia took out the gold card and so is Janet. They both looked at each other and laughed. That's so hilarious

"What is that for?"

"The boys make this to access all of their private rooms" Sophia said and my eyes widen

"How did you even get that?" I asked the both of them

"I stole it" Janet said and laughed

"Me too" They both squaled again and Jean laughed her butt off

"Do they know?"

"Not yet.. maybe tonight they will realise it because Aaron said he wants to go to Sebastian tonight" Sophia smirked

"Oh gosh"

"This take it , you can go to Alex with this" Janet said as she gave me Sky's access card

"They will kill me"

"Chill , take Sky's he doesn't have any plan to go anywhere today" Janet smiled

"When will Aaron go?" I asked and she looked at the clock. Her eyes widen and at the same time her phone rings. Jean laugh again seeing her friend got panic

"It's Aaron!!" Sophia said in horror

"Hello baby" She answered

"No I don't see your card.. no.. uhmm I didn't take it.. i swear! Aaron.. noo... argh fine! I took it.. Janet? No! Wh- hey Sky.." Janet's eyes widen too , Sophia throw her phone to Janet and Janet put it on her ear

"Hello my handsome husband , whats up? Missing me?" She said awkwardly

"No.. i'm not.. I never know what gold card it" That got Jean punching my pillow and I hold my laughter so hard. Sophia and Janet went pale

"I swear.. I don't know.. argh!!! I hate you" She ended the call and gave Sophia's phone back

"What does he said?"

"Apparently they all know.. so Alex knew it too" Janet whined

"Go now! Before they even block it!" Jean said

"Yeahyeah! Go now.. they're at the bar" Sophia said

"There's a big guy at the bar , they can't let me in!" I said and Janet smirked

"Listen to me very well darling.. When you enter the bar , go to the right as you enter the main door. You see there's a small door that only fit one person at the time. It's a lift to go to the 2nd floor. Swipe this card and boom" That's why Alex can suddenly appear to me when I first met him

"Is there a password or something?" I asked and Janet showed the card

"Look.. it's written Sky Locason in it so it's Sky's and you won't need a password anymore"

"That's why he realise his card gone because he can't access the lift" I said and they flick their hands and nodded

"Go!" Jean said

"Yeah quickly go.. we will go behind you and lure the husband out" Sophia smiled

"Thankyou" I hugged them all

"Welcome sis.. because we'll be sisters soon!" Janet squealed and I laughed. Taking my new sport car out from my garage again..

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