Resurfaced Memory

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So sorry it has been too long. Hope you enjoy.

Emma was walking down the halls of the castle after a long day of training. She had alot on her mind. For one her feelings toward Aro was becoming more intense and it was getting hard to be in the same room or space with him. Every time he looked at her she would lose all the air in her lungs and couldn't think straight. She was thinking of a way to ask Aro if she could move into the guard quarters when she turned around a corner quickly and slammed into someone's chest. Oh I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking she looked up at who she had run into. Then man had red hair and had a menacing aura about him. Something about him seemed familiar. It's quite alright my dear. You must be the new guard that aro keeps locked up in his quarters. You know when they said you were the most beautiful vampire and that you had somehow snuck into the castle without anyone knowing. I didn't believe them. But know that I  see for myself I must agree. It's no wonder no one noticed you. You would have blended right in. Also it's no wonder aro keeps you to himself. He said as he looked down at her. She started to feel uncomfortable the way he was looking at her like he wanted to sink his teeth into her again. Wait again why did she think that then it rushed into her mind like a secret memory that was hidden in the dark crevices of her mind.

She was being led to a room that looked like a library. She turned around and saw the man with red hair walking towards her saying how delicious she smelled and how it was a shame she was going to have to die. Then she was thrown across the room and hit her head thru half lid eyes she saw him walk to her and pick her up by her neck and bite her the searing pain that ran through pierced her neck. Her memory stopped she screamed in terror. His smile fell when he heard her scream and recognized her scream from the woman on the last tour. He tried to grab her but she had already turned and started to run away screaming for help. Once she got to the royal quarters. He stopped following her seeing he couldn't go any farther. Since it was forbidden to enter the royal quarters without being summoned. He turned and left quickly before anyone could see him.

When Emma made it back to the royal quarters she slammed the door close before the man could catch her. She could see in his eyes the recognition. She turned around and sank to the bottom of the door and began to cry uncontrolably. She was too scared to move. She exhausted herself with her sobs she fell asleep as she sat there.

Aro opened the door which woke up Emma what are you doing laying in front of the door. Emma looked up at him with red rimmed eyes. Oh aro she jumped into his arms. I know who originally killed me. It was terrifying I ran into him while I was walking back to our quarters. He tried to kill me again. She started to cry again what, who is it he asked his voice laced with anger and worry I don't know his name just that he has red hair. Aro stiffened at the description she gave.  Come my dear he picked her up in his arms bridal style. He took her to his chambers and laid her on his bed. Stay here me and my brothers will deal with him. Don't leave this room. He kissed her forehead. Aro be careful he is very dangerous she said alarmed no need to worry my love. I am more deadly than him. He left quickly. Emma sat alone on his bed thinking of Aros words. Wait did he just call me his love? He must of said it by accident. She got a glass of water then laid down and fell asleep.

Aro walked into the throne room. With a pure murderous look. This can't be good Marcus said to caius. Brothers we have a problem on our hands. Emma has run into the man who killed her. It's Victor the one who joined us after we over powered the Romanian coven. Aro replied i knew he was going to be trouble. Caius spat what do you propose we do. Marcus asked I will have demitri and felix keep an eye on him for now and I will keep Emma safe in my quarters till he slips up and we can dispose of him once and for all. Aro replied he wasn't going to let anything happen to his mate under his watch even if it meant keeping her locked up and away from everyone else. He left the throne room and made his way back to his room. Emma was sitting on his bed she was wearing one of his old dressing shirts from the Renaissance era. She looked up at him. Master I'm scared I don't want him to try and take me from you. She softly said he sat down next to her and pulled her into his arms. Don't worry Mia cara I won't let him anywhere near you. But I want you to stay in my quarters until we find a way to get rid of him. Okay that is the only way to keep you safe. He said as he held her in his arms. I'm okay with that as long as i am with you I feel safe. She replied she looked up at him. He smiled and brushed a strand of her hair from her face then gently caressed her cheek. I will never let anyone hurt you Mia amore. He looked back at her with a strange look in his eyes. She looked into his eyes and felt that she was drowning in a pool of delicious blood she then noticed how beautiful he was up close. She looked down towards his lips. She suddenly felt a strong urge to kiss this soft pale red lips. She didn't realize that she had leaned towards him until her lips connected with his. It was a soft chaste kiss. She pulled away and looked back up into his eyes. I'm sorry master..I. .. I mean.. she didn't get to finish her apology because the next thing she knew his lips were against hers again kissing her passionately...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2016 ⏰

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