The Newer Identity

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Hello! You guys haven't been liking the way I end my chapters, hopefully you'll like this one. I really liked writing this chapter and it was also my favourite! Hope you guys like it! :)



The Newer Identity

I'm not a sinister guy, but I sure as hell am not well-intentioned.

 People look down on me with disdain, rage and annoyance. It has been like this throughout the whole day. Christopher Pawar is not a likeable guy.

I don't even deserve to be liked.

The throbbing in my head worsens everything. I keep my head down on the desk during the last lesson of the day.

"Do you want to go to the nurse's office, Christopher?" asks Connor quietly as he pretends to listen to our English Literature teacher's humdrum lecture.

"Just close the curtains." I grumble.

Let the bell ring. Please ring. Come on just ring-a-ling-a-ling already.

Oh. My. God. I can't take this.

 I get up, startling everyone, and I walk towards the door.

 "Where are you going, Mr. Powers?" asks Mrs. Woodley who appeared like she just woke up from her own lecture.

It's Pawar, Christopher frigging PAWAR.

"Oh it's not the first time he does this Mrs. Woodley! He always tends to unexpectedly get up and walk outside." Says a flat voice which belongs to Roxanne.

I pretend that I hadn't just heard that. But she's not to blame since I'm stupid like that. Applying as much force as I can on the handle of the door just to try and break it, I walk outside enraged by everything. Everything around me. I don't need school, I'm a criminal, get me out of here! 

I throw myself down on the ground making a loud thud.

You are Christopher Pawar. Not juvenile delinquent Jack Atkins. I am a normal teenager. During Primary school, I was well-behaved, intelligent and I had a lot of friends.

Why the sudden change, Christopher?

I get up and knock on the door.

A disappointed Mrs. Woodley opens the door, but doesn't allow me to enter.

I sigh, "I just needed some fresh air. I had a headache."

"Why not ask for permission?"

I shrug.

The bell finally rings. I can see people packing up and heading outside.

After all the commotion, Mrs. Woodley snaps, "You are prohibited from entering my class for the rest of the week."

I nod as stiffly as a robot while clenching my fists in anger.

Connor comes to my defence. "Forgive him, Mrs. Woodley, he gets terrible migraines, and he doesn't seem to control himself well so please-"

"Oh please! My decision is final and it is not to be changed nor is it going to be reconsidered." And she turns around and parades to the teachers' staff room hurriedly.

"Why, Jack?" Connor asks, his eyes shifting towards me. He seems hurt by the way I've betrayed him and myself. He shakes his head frustratingly and begins to walk slowly towards the school's exit.

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