The Creep in the Sunnies

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The creep in the sunnies

You wear sunglasses when the sun doesn't even glow during winter.

"Why are we stalking him, Molly?" I question her as I try my best to whisper.

She rolls her eyes, stopping to tie her shoes. "Because I feel like it, now follow me."

"He's not even interesting! All he does is walk, walk, and walk. Oh, and mumble to himself. Did I mention walk?" I tell her as I begin imitating his way of walking and random outbursts to himself.

"Ssh! Stop being noisy, he'll look at us!" she hisses.

"It's not even logical that he hasn't even noticed that we've been following him for the past ten minutes. Come on, Molly. I have to go back to my dorm!"

"So you think he's noticed us?"

"Um, yes?" I say as it was blatantly obvious that he knew we were behind him this whole time.

"Okay, then I shall talk to him!" Molly shouts. I cover her mouth as fast I as I can.

He still doesn't look behind.

She runs ahead of me to talk to him before he turns to the right of the pavement. Has she no idea how chilly it is?

I stand, with my back flat against the wall. I am not visible to them, but I can hear them.

"Hey! So were you aware that we were following you the whole time?"

Molly is such an insane person that she has specifically emphasised on the 'we' part to take the mickey out of me.

"Rox, I think he's deaf. He can't hear me. He's just walking." She yells.

I jog towards her and the guy. He stops walking after I come.

My eyes flicker with barely contained fury at Molly and she just sticks her tongue out.

I don't know if the guy is looking at us or not. Goofy shades.

"Okay, Molly let's go." I speak between gritted teeth, holding onto the sleeve of her jacket as I try to force her to go back with me.

But she's busy gazing at a good looking black-haired tanned guy around our age crossing the road. Her eyes brighten up and she squeals quietly.

"Wait a sec!"


I just watch as Molly gets along with Hispanic looking guy. She keeps looking flirtatiously at him and he blushes. I look at my shoes not knowing what to do. Should I just leave Molly with her pal and head back to my dorm?

"Oh my god, thank goodness she left."

It's the sunglasses guy and he sounds relieved that she finally went to the other dude.

"Um, why? She was joking around," I laugh nervously. "Of course I have nothing to do with it." I say, trying to prove my innocence. "Honest."

He nods carefully at me, fixing his sunglasses.

Take them off!

"I'm not taking them off," He chuckles. "Although I can see how much you want me to." He says slyly.

Am I that easy to read?

I shake my head quickly, "Me?" I laugh. "Oh I don't even care! I mean I know how you look even without the sunnies,"

A pointing eyebrow emerges from his frames and he smirks.

"Oh really now?"

"Yes, your eyes are like a...brown or light brown and they're kind of small."

"Wrong." he whispers so close to my ears. They turn numb and my cheeks turn even redder than the cold weather had caused them to be.

"Whatever, I'm never going to see you again," I assure him as I roll my eyes. "So it doesn't matter."

"Okay, so you don't want to see me?" he asks me with a silly grin.

Get it off your face this instant!

"Stop humiliating me!" I practically yell as I try to cover my red cheeks.

"Okay, see you."

"I don't want to."

Stupid. Stupid. Go away already!

I start walking back towards the school and I noticed Molly standing beside me.

"You just couldn't let me at least exchange numbers with the guy?"

I sigh, "I never asked you to come, go do that if it's more important than heading back to school on time."

It was eight for God's sake.

"Hey what happened?" She asks more seriously.


"Nothing means something. Tell me!" She demands.

I shrug, "He is not deaf, and that's for sure."

"Oh my god," she inhaled. "Did he tell you something, like, say, how pretty I am?" She jokes.

I punch her playfully on the shoulder. "No he was just so..."

"'So...'?'So...' what? Come on!"



Do you know what it feels like when people's words make an impact on you? Especially things like reverse psychology, the way it works. And it does actually work on people.

Today is very tiresome because I haven't slept enough since yesterday. It's that feeling when you anticipate something so much that you just can't seem to shut your eyes. But what was I anticipating? I guess it's true. I do want to see that boy again.

I doodle on my desk with my chin resting on the palm of my hand with my elbow propped on the desk.

"Hey, Rox-ay!"

It's Luke. I don't look at him but I manage to respond with a 'hello' to greet him.

He leaves since he notices that I'm not in the mood. Molly comes and squats down on the ground beside my desk.

"What if he's cross-eyed?" she gasps. She's still on about the sunnies dude, wondering why he wears shades during winter.

"Shut up. What if your Hispanic lover-to-be is gay?"

"Hmm, bisexual is okay. Gay...Nah. He can't be."

"It's possible." I annoy her.

That's it. I've ruined it for her.

"You suck Roxanne." She says flatly.

I smile blissfully.

The bell rings and everyone sits in their places.

Everyone besides Connor and Christopher, that is, since they haven't arrived yet.

Mr. Coldwell enters and asks a few students to carry his books to the table.

"Of course, the new students think being a new addition to the classroom is an excuse for not showing up." He sighs as he flops himself onto his chair.

A few simultaneous knocks are heard at the door.

"Enter," Mr. Coldwell orders. Connor and Christopher enter. "Ah, yes. Why are you late?" he asks them dully.

"Because there was a-" Connor begins before Christopher interrupts.

"Actually sir, I woke up late since I couldn't sleep at all last night."


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