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Bewitching the girl into a deep sleep, Ron anxiously apparated to the Ministry. The fact Harry had practically ordered him to turn up meant he was in some deep shit. Entering Harry's office, he saw him sat at his desk which was drowning in paperwork.

Clearing his throat, Ron spoke, "You wanted to see me mate," jolting Harry from deep in thought.

"Do you have any idea what you've done today," calmly replied Harry, restraining his anger, "Every time you act without thinking, I have to clear it up, every time I put my arse on the line for you, in hopes you'll get your act together."

Staring Ron straight in the eye, he continued, "You broke into the Parkinson Manor today, without authorisation."

"Parkinson Manor?" questioned Ron, confusedly.

"Yes Ron. That girl is Pansy Parkinson."

"Fuck. No it's not."

"Pray do tell, why it can't be."

"I went to the Manor today because the files I had gathered stated that Death Eaters lived there. I went in and heard a girl screaming, being attacked by two Death Eaters."

"There weren't any Death Eaters Ron, no one was there by the time we got there, they had vanished and the Manor had been blown to bits. That Manor belonged to Ex Death Eaters. What part of ex do you not understand."

"Her family were Death Eaters, she got what she deserved," defended Ron.

"ENOUGH," bellowed Harry, slamming his fist on to the table, "Do you know how pissed Shacklebolt is? This isn't the first time you've acted recklessly. Yes you did save Parkinson, but you should have contacted us and followed the protocol. Shacklebolt has had enough, he wants to pull you off the frontline."

"W-what," stuttered Ron, "He can't do that."

"Yes he can. Though I convinced him to let you temporarily off till your behaviour improves and instead your new case is to protect the Parkinson girl till we can understand why they are looking for her."

"No, no way in hell am I babysitting the girl who made my life miserable."

"That was years ago Ron. And who said you had a choice. From the looks of it she trusts you and only you."

"She doesn't trust me, that's a blimming joke."

"A joke huh. Is that why the Healer said that only you could calm her down, or why I saw her with my eyes, mind you, clinging on to you"

"That doesn't prove anything," Ron retorted flushed.

"Of course."

"Why the hell not her parents."


"Malfoy or Zabini?"

"They will be informed."

"What about you?"

"I'm not the one who has been messing about."

"So this is it? You're gonna treat me as if I'm dirt?" responded Ron angrily.

"Don't be so dramatic Ron," Harry replied calmly, "Till further action she is your sole responsibility."

"No bloody way. I refuse to," stubbornly argued Ron.

Having had enough with Ron's tantrums, angrily Harry stood up his hands clenching the table, "Yes, yes you bloody will. I've had it with you Ron, I have had goddamn enough. You bloody will do it, you have no bloody choice. This whole paperwork is because of you, do you know how many laws you've broken. Hell, if anyone is to hold a grudge against her, it should be me. But am I whinging like a brat? It's either this or you're off permanently."

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