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Halfway through the night Ron awoke feeling hot and stuffy. Just as he was about to push away his duvet, he saw a small hand on his chest. What in the bloody hell. On his left, Pansy lay curled up against him. Her arm wrapped around his, gripping it as if he would steal away in the night. FantasticHe couldn't even be left alone at night.

Officially annoyed to the bone he whispered, "Parkinson." But got no response in return. He tried poking her and prodding her but she was out like the dead. Left with no choice he pried her hold off of him and with a huff turned onto his side facing against her.

* * *

Early next morning, Pansy was rendered out of her deep slumber by the movement going on outside the room. At first she assumed it to be Ron but it could not be since her arm was slung across his waist. Ron had promised there were charms on protecting the flat, so gathering some courage she decided to go and see. Maybe a bird had flown in.

She opened the door and slipped out to see. Hearing someone's footsteps Harry stopped what he was doing and looked up, "Oh hi Pansy," he spoke as he waved to her.

It was Harry Potter. The boy she volunteered to give up. The one person she hoped she never came across. Instantly she recoiled and began to panic. What if he was going to curse her to death. She wouldn't stop him though, she deserved it.

Harry saw the girl begin to freak out, a crazed look flashing in her eyes, "I won't do anything to you Pansy, I promise." However that did nothing to help her. She moved against the wall and began to slide to the floor.


She heard someone say her name, her vision was starting to blur.

"I'm putting my wand down, I won't harm you. You have my word,"Harry promised. But words meant nothing to Pansy, no one had ever kept their word. She pulled her knees up, wrapping her arms around them as if they brought her comfort as the tears trickled down her chin. All she wanted was Ron.

Harry walked towards her and kneeled down in front of her, placing a hand on her shoulder causing her to shrivel up even more.

"Calm down Pansy," Harry said. "Look you saw me put my wand on the counter," he continued raising his hands as evidence.

"Plus Ron's right in there, and i'm sure he'll hex me before anything. We kinda got into a –," he suddenly paused, "Oh I'm rambling, sorry."

The fact that Ron was right inside brought her some relief. Her right hand was on top of her left itching to rub the ring just in case. But deep down in her heart she knew, Harry Potter wouldn't harm her. The Chosen One was better than most.

"So um yeah, I brought doughnuts and coffee, if you want some? I promise they're not poisoned."

Pansy wiped her face and hesitantly nodded, and guardedly followed him to the counter, sitting on one of the hair chairs. He could attack her anytime. But then again he did put his wand down in peace.

Harry pushed a polystyrene cup towards her, "It's hot."

"Are you adjusting well? Ron isn't giving you a hard time is he?"

Pansy was surprised when Harry asked her that. She didn't expect him to be so kind to him, especially after what she did. She thought he would at least lash out and curse her, but here he sat casually eating breakfast with her.

"So I hear you can't speak yet. How do you communicate?" Harry questioned her.

She grabbed the parchment and quill placed on the counter from yesterday and tried to scrawl a legible sentence. She moved it towards Harry, so he could read it.

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