♥When You Meet Them♥

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Bianca Del Rio

You were dragged to a local comedy show at a club with your friend. Unfortunately, You recently broke up with your significant other of two years. When you arrived to the club, you and your friend quickly found seats near the stage. Your friend ordered you a coke and whiskey to get you more upbeat. When the waiter came with your drinks, the lights were dimmed. A woman with dramatic makeup came out on the stage. You leaned towards to your friend, "Her makeup is very out there." Your friend whispered into your ear, "(Y/N), she's a drag queen." After the drag queen's comedy set was over, you walked over to the bar. You sat down on a bar stool and ordered another drink. You were deep in thought, until a deep voice snapped you out it. "Is this seat taken?" You turn your head and see the drag queen that was previously on stage. "No, not at all." You said in a soft voice. After you received your drink, the drag queen asked you a question. "What's your name?" After taking a sip of your drink you said, "I'm (Y/N), what's your name?" "I'm Bianca Del Rio." She said, as her drink arrived. You went to leave, but you felt a hand on your arm. She handed you a bar napkin with her number in lipstick. "Call me sometime." She said winking while walking away.

Adore Delano

You were at a concert. You currently were having a great time. You had a plastic cup filled with beer. Also, you were jamming out with your younger brother. You said to your brother, "I'll be right back, I wanna go into the mosh pit." You parted ways with him and made your way to the middle of the crowd. You noticed that people were getting pushed into the pit, so you got a little bit nervous. You were so in thought about not going in or going in the mosh pit, that someone pushed you in. It was either do or die, so you started moshing, but you ran into someone. Your body fell onto the grass that was previously under your feet. You opened your eyes and you noticed a woman looking at you. "Oh my god, are you okay?" She helped you up and took you out of the pit. When you two were out of the pit, you went near a corner of the crowd. "Thank you, but I never got your name." You said smiling at her. "Well, my name's Adore and I like pizza and to party." You started to giggle at her comment. "My name's (Y/N) and I like to mosh, obviously." She started to laugh. You two talked for a while and then got each other's numbers.

Courtney Act

You just arrived at an airport in Australia. You were visiting your cousin from your mother's side. As soon as you got off the plane, you took a moment to admire the sunshine and fresh air. While actually walking into the airport, you were looking for the place to pickup your suitcases. You noticed a blonde woman sitting alone playing on her cellphone. You walked over to her and said, "Excuse me? Do you know where I could pick up suitcases?" The woman looked up from her phone with icy blue eyes. "Come with me, I'll show you." She said in a thick Australian accent. She grabbed you by the arm and took you to the suitcase area. "There you are, my little traveler!" She said letting go of you. "Thank you so much." You said with a soft blush, as she let go of you. When, she was about to walk away, you shouted at her. "Hey, would you want to go out to dinner sometime?" You said waiting for an answer. She smiled before speaking, "Sure, here's my number." She said handing you a piece of paper with number on it. You took it and waved goodbye to her. As you were about to turn away she said, "By the way my name's Courtney." She said winking at you and started to walk away.

Sharon Needles

Your sister is taking you away from a night of studying. It was Halloween and she needed to get you out of your dorm room. You guys pulled up to a house, you were about to get out, until your sister locked your door. "Listen (Y/N), I don't you spending all night on your phone. I want you to actually get out and meet some people, okay." She said in a serious tone. "Okay, I promise." You said unlocking your door with unlock/lock button on your door. You both walked up to this mystery person's house. When you got to the porch, you noticed two people making out, then a guy peeing into the bushes. You got a little nervous and turned to your sister, "I don't think this is for me." "Don't be a dork, (Y/N). Come on, let's get inside." She said opening the front door and shoving you inside. When you got inside the house, there were so many people. You didn't even have time to get used to your current environment. Someone shoved you into a circle of people, making you separated from your sister. "Alright guys we're going to play Seven Minutes in Heaven." You awkwardly sat down as a random blonde girl said that. You were sitting with a circle of people. There was a bottle in the middle of the circle and the blonde girl spun it. The bottle unfortunately landed on you. The blonde girl stepped up and directed you to a coat closet. You stepped into the closet, as it was shut and locked behind you. "You've got seven minutes, kid." The blonde said from outside of the closet. You hips were suddenly grabbed and you were up against a human body. You felt someone's lips on your neck and the mystery person said, "I can help you unwind and relax." You immediately jumped from their grasp. "I'm so sorry, I was so supposed to be studying, but my sister dragged me here. This isn't for me." You closed your eyes and then a light was turned on. You opened your eyes and saw a tall woman with very large lips. "Oh you must be (Y/N), your sister has told me so much about you. I'm Sharon." You smiled softly. "Nice to meet you Sharon, I think you look very pretty tonight." She started to laugh and said, "Your sister was right, you are so innocent." You started to blush of embarrassment. You guys kept talking for hours, after your time in the closet was over and you both exchanged numbers. 

Roxxxy Andrews

You were sitting in a cafe alone. You scheduled a date with this (Your Preference) on Eharmony. It had a been an hour and there was no texts, calls, or emails. You started to break down, because you had been stood up. You hung your head low and started crying. "Excuse me, are you okay?" You looked up and saw a curvy, but a fit woman. You wiped away your tears and she took a seat from across you. "I'm fine, some (Your Preference) stood me up." She handed you a napkin and you took it away from her and wiped away your tears. "Listen, that (Your Preference) missed a great opportunity. You are a very beautiful person." You blushed softly and smiled. "Thank you so much, Miss ......?" "Miss Roxxxy Andrews." She said grinning widely. "That's such a cool name." You said and she started laughing. A waitress came by and said, "Hello, do you both need anything?" Roxxxy opened her mouth and said, "Actually, we would like the Chocolate Molten Lava Cake with two spoons." The waitress wrote it down and said, "Coming right up for two." "You didn't have to do that, Roxxxy." You said and she smiled. "Well you can repay with two things. Number one, I would like to hear your name. Number two, You can reschedule your date with me." You blushed and said, "My name is (Y/N) and I would love to take you out Roxxxy." The waitress came back with the cake and two spoons. You both ate the cake and kept talking. You both exchanged numbers and scheduled a date for Wednesday night.

Violet Chachki

You were always fascinated with the style of Burlesque. You loved how Cher and Christina Aguilera created a wonderful movie about it as well. So, you decided to invite your friend over for wine and to watch the movie. You got a text from your friend saying that she was bringing a friend over. You were kinda peeved off that was last minute, but the more the merrier. As you were pouring the wine in two of your nicest glasses and a red Solo cup, because you were young and broke and couldn't afford a third wine glass, you heard a knock. You put down the wine bottle on your kitchen counter and opened your front door. You immediately didn't meet eyes with your friend, but with her friend. She was tall, skinny, and had gorgeous dark hair. "Hello, earth to (Y/N)?" Your friend said while snapping fingers in your face. You blushed out of embarrassment and immediately went to hug her. "Hey girlie, thank you for coming over! Why don't you both come in?" Your friend and her friend walked in. You shut your door and made your way back to the kitchen, where you grabbed the wine glasses. You handed them both to your friend and the beautiful stranger. "I'm Violet, by the way. Thank you for having me over last minute." Violet said to you. "No problem, it's always nice to meet new people." You said with a soft smile. You quickly joined them on the couch with your classy red Solo cup to watch the movie. After the movie was over and a full bottle of wine empty, your friend was completely drunk. Violet picked her up and helped her out of your apartment. "(Y/N), it was nice meeting you." She said as she walked out of the door with your friend. "It was nice meeting you too, Violet." You yelled down the hall. You shut your front door and started to clean up your living space, when you noticed a note. You picked up the note and read it. "Here's my number, maybe I can show you the proper way to do Burlesque. xoxo Violet Chachki."

A/N: Author's Note:

(Y/N)= Your name

(Y/S/N)= Your sister's name

(Your Preference)= Whatever your sexual preference is :) (ex. guy, girl, squirrel...etc) 

I am so sorry this is coming late. I had the SAT, then I got a cold, and then I had to go to the Doctor's for neck pain. So, yeah that was fun. I hope you peeps enjoy this chapter and give feedback. Thank you, loves.

- Jess ✧

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