The Story Of Us

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Chapter 1

School number 9 - Ridge Field High School.

I sighed lamely as I parked my car into the parking lot that resembled all the others. I looked in the rear view mirror of my silver Nissan to check my stubborn brown curls that I had tried, in vain, to tame this morning. The light amount of make up I wore seemed plain but to me that was a good thing. My number one rule for surviving any high school is this- don't stand out, blend into the walls.

I pulled down the sleeves of my sweeter over my Hispanic light brown skin. A habit I have never gotten over.

I took a deep breath, grabbed my backpack and left the safe heaven that was my car into the bitter cold of autumn.

I walked slowly to the main office of the school, growing more and more tense with every step.

I finally reached the desk and a cheerful women wearing a little too much make up said

"Hi honey, what can I do for you?"

"Yes, hi, my name is Elizabeth Rivera, this is my first day"

She bounced in her seat, way too eager for this early on a Wednesday morning.

"Right we have been expecting you, I have your schedule right here, along with a map of the school and if you have any questions, and I know you will being drooped into the middle of the school year like this. I will be right here. I bet you'll have a great senor year at Ridge Field"

She smiled widely as if this was her calling since the day she was born. It was only November I don't consider that the middle of the school year, either way I give a small smile in return.

"Thanks" I mumble before turning around and walking out of the office. I looked at my schedule and I found my locker number on it, I made my way (I think) in the direction of my locker.

I had gotten to school early so I wasn't in any rush plus there were no crowds to go threw so I made it to my locker, that happens to be in the far corner of my school, in no time.

As I started to put my various books and binders into my locker, my grip on my backpack released and most of my binders fell to the floor. I groaned as I dropped to my knees to retrieve my stuff, as my hand reached for a paper it collided with a tan masculine hand that was already retrieving it. My eyes climbed from his hand up his strong looking arms past his shoulders and neck finally resting on his face. I was surprised to see it so close to mine, I let out a breath as I marked how his light brown eyes were beautifully bright and had a ring of blue around them. His jaw was strong and firm he had a slender nose that just went right with his features, his brown curly hair looks soft.His lips, there are no words to describe the look of richness they radiated, I could feel my body react to how close they were. As I stared, his lips pulled into a little smile and I swear my heart stopped.

"I think this is yours" he said as his hand moved the piece of paper towards me.

It took me a second for my mind to process a thought.

I mumble a thank you as I take the paper from his hand, I purposely brush our fingers together and its like my body was made into warm goo (of the not gross variety) from the heat that came off of him! It wasnt the fact that he was attractive (which he is, like one of those greek gods attractive) but he was literally warm, his skin felt like it just got boiled.

He sends a smile that his warmer than his skin and continues collecting more of my mess. I do the same but out of the corner of my eye, you best believe I am staring this boy down.

He is wearing a light blue v-neck t-shirt, black jeans and a pair of black and blue Adidas. A simple outfit but he makes it look like it should be on a runway. The t-shirt subtly clings to his body just enough to notice his towned body underneath; the short sleeves do well to show off his arms.

As soon as we got my stuff in two piles (one for each of us) we stand.  My head is where his chest is, I am that small compared to him.

I stuff my pile into my locker and he hands me his so I can do the stuffing. Sadly our hands do not touch.

Once I am finished I turn to him, he looks at me expectingly and I open my mouth and then close and then open it yet again.

Mental face palm- get a grip Elizabeth!!

"T-thanks for the help" I stutter, I can feel my face heating from embarrassment at my nervousness.

He chuckles, "No problem, I was to happy to help"

I can feel blood rush to my cheeks.

Why was this boy so perfect? I dont think its healthy for a human.

He looks at me and says" So your new here" It was a stament not a question, I guess Ridge Field is kinda small. 

I nod my head more than needed, and pull the sleeves of my sweeter down more.

"We rarely get someone knew, can I see your schedule? " he asks with outstretched hand.

I fumble around with the pockets of my jeans before I pull out the sheets of paper I folded before the whole locker thing happened. I hand it over to him flustered. He takes the paper and does a quick look before grinning down at me with those eyes that could melt me like butter.

"We have photography and Science together" he says handing back the papers.  I smile, trying to hold back the happy dance I want to do. I must have saved orphans from a burning building in a past life. Thank you lord.

"Thats cool" I look down at my hands not wanting for him to see how overjoyed I am. I look back up after a second and glance at the clock, theres a little over an hour before the first class.

"Why are you here so early?" I ask curiosity winning over shyness. 

"I had soccer practice but it was cancelled do to someone stealing the soccer balls" he shruggs and before I can stop myself I say,

"Someone stole your balls, how tragic"  My face instantly goes red as I realise the wording of that sentence could have been better. I face palm for real this time, a mental face palm isnt enough. But then  something registers with my ears. He's laughing,  alot. He's holding his stomach and his laugh is loud. I chuckle nervously with him. 

Once he's done laughing he looks at me with a big smile. 

"Ya its pretty tragic but we'll live. Though we might not have children" he chuckles some more and i laugh with him. 

"Do you want to go get some breakfast?" he ask glancing down to his shoes. I already ate but I wasnt about to tell him that.

"Ya sure" I smile gratefully for the invite.

"Alright cool, theres a McDonald's right down the street. I have to meet my girlfriend there anyway."

I feel the air leave my body, its like a truck hit me. He can't be mine, he's taken. I want to cry but instead I smile brightly and let him lead me to the school's exit, my feet feeling as heavy as my heart.


Hello fellow Wattpaders, this is my first ever book on Wattpad, and im super excited. God bless you for reading this first little chapter.  *Gives you bone crushing bear hug*

Let me know what you guys think, and where you want or think this story should go. Plus some questions!!!!!!

Thanks so much, 

Forever yours -The Book Theif

P.S. Any similarities to people or places alive or dead is coincidental. This book is pure fiction.

P.P.S. This book is mine and hundred percent original. I do not steal books. I just think that the name The Book Theif sounds badass in the world of wattpad. And yes I did escape out of a mental house.

Just kidding


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