Bit of Rest

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I struggled to get up from my current situation. My neck hurt and my right arm was stiff as ever.

Last time I was this sore  I had just been with G-somebody. I can't remember but it started with a G I know that.

Anyways,that's not important. What is...

"Cake." I pondered the name on my tonuge it had been a long time.

An olive tone woman poked her head out from the doorway. Her hazel eyes locked to my brown ones and her lips stretched to a wide smile.

"How are you feeling?"

"Shit." I pouted

She walked over as I swung my legs over the edge of the table.

"Stay up there shorty."

"Haha." I laughed dryly.

She began to slowly peel off the black seaweed looking stuff off my arm.

"Ewwe. What the fuck?" I cringed.

The slice had bubbled up and turned into a medium ball of something ugly. I formed my finger getting ready to poke it but, got it slapped out of them way.

"Oww!"  I watched a red mark form on my hand.

"Stop moving." Cake said

I moved my head to the side and felt a tiny pinch.

"You can't bust it all the way. It'll get infected again." She spoke while draining the bubble.

"What was on it. What poison?"

"That I haven't been able to figure out yet but, it works fast and if not treated in ten minutes will go into your blood stream. It'll shut off all oxygen flow and kill you."

"Thank you. Again."

"Don't thank me."

I followed her bright eyes to a long grey log spread out on Her couch only to realize that it was only Digger.

"Right. The Australian man child." I sighed.

Cake giggled "You say that like you've never met him before."

"I haven't. Only known him less than 48 hours."

Once the words were released, Her head snapped up. "Jinx. Stop playing."

I shook my head at her. Our eyes held each other for two minutes. Cake was in the process of determining if I was speaking the truth or not.

"Oh my God. You don't remember him." I've never seen her eyes stretched so far.

"Should I?"

"YES! You should most definitely remember him." She lost it and started to ramble and normally when this happens I just zone her out but this time I listened.

"It was you and the Riddler God knows why. Then the mission Nygma sent you on with him. Then me. Then the drink I gave you a drink. It worked you had a fun night."

I nodded like I understood. "You almost had a -a a-a- You arent even listening are you?"

"No. That time I was. And nothing you said made any type of sense. Except for the Edward part."

She rolled her eyes at that.

"Ju- Michel."

The child appeared from the corner room.

"Hey wassup kid."

"Glut. (Cute) Thank you."

"Your welcome."

"Jinx. Look at him. Tell me what you see." Cake said pushing Michel closer to me.

"I see a cute little boy with a mess of moppy curlly hair."

I could see Cake's bottom lip quake.

" I dtigh diabhail! (Goddamn it) Cake don't do that. Listen he's a cute kid really. Where did you come up with a face like this."

"He can understand Irish. I taught him how." She sniffed

"So I could have just said that in English. You can't get mad about something that never existed. You and him have to be in cahoots on this because, everyone else hasn't given me any reason to believe that I know him."

"You're right. I'm sorry. But, tell me what you know about him."

I rolled my eyes and humored her.

"You know his first name?"
"He's real one."
"Criminal background.?

I rolled my eyes

"Well he's got 9-8 98 counts of theft under his belt. Almost half of that in Armed Assault. He's a functioning alcoholic which means he works better when he's drink. He's hiding a pink stuffed unicorn in one of the many pockets of that long ass coat and he like most are crazy... Happy?"

"How did you know all that after just meeting him 48 hours ago?" She smirked.

"I read his file." I lied.


"Okay. Fine. I feel like I know him and he looks oddly familair But you know me and new feelings. It's not a good path for me. If I forgot him it must have been for a good reason."

"I've been your friend for a long time. Practical re-raised you. You wouldn't want to forget him at least not on purpose."

I saw the wheels in her head spin and sprawl out of control.

"What are you thinking?"

"You were taking from the street and brought to an army base to be forced on a team that specializes in dead dummy missions."

"Yes. How did yo- nevermind."

I momentarily forgot about her other ability.

"I can't seem to see anthing further than that. What do You remember?"

"Waking up in a room. It was a dark navy room. It didn't have anything but lights I think. And I remember Waller."

"Waller? The lady on the tablet?" Cake asked

"Yup. She asked me a question. She held up his picture and she asked me If I knew you."

I had walked over to the couch. The one that Digger was sleeping on. He resembled a child who had fallen asleep trying to watch his favorite show after a tiring day of whatever just a lot larger.

"And what did you tell her?"

"The truth. I said no because... I'd never seen you a day in my mind life. So,why do I feel like I know you from my past? Where you a good part or a bad part?"

I found myself smiling at the fact new was dreaming about me. (Not surprised cause I'm a dream boat but, it was still nice to know I was in someone's dreams and not their nightmares)

"Maybe we should add Big guy kinda creepy to your list of charming quantities. I wish I knew why I felt like I know you. So I wish I could remember but, Thank you for saving my life."

I found myself playing with his facial hair while he slept. Crazy thing to do but it just felt like tradition.

" I'm gonna help you remember. But you need to rest. If you're back out there again."

"What even are they?"

"I call them plaquers."

"Sounds icky. What are you doing here anyway. Last I checked you where in L.A."

Cake only smiled and sent me into a room. I gasped at the warm tiny hand that took mine.

"You look tired." Michel said.

"I am."

Lighting: Captain BoomerangWhere stories live. Discover now