Agent Coulson Lives!!

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Tony raised an eyebrow.

"What about it?" Loki rolled his shimmering emerald eyes in annoyance.

"Don't play dumb with us, Stark. No one in this god awful realm can remember what happened here a year ago and we want to know why. This one," He said, pointing to the girl still helplessly clinging to him.

"Thinks that Stark Tower just finished building this month." Tony nodded.

"She's right. After you oh so rudely demolished the last one, we had to completely rebuild…" Thor shook his head.

"No, he means she thinks it was finished building for the first time." Tony's face twisted into confusion but he was unable to respond as there was a knock on the door.

"Mr. Stark…we found a woman wandering around out front and security sent her up. Do you know her?" Tony sighed heavily.

"Michaela, babe, I've told you that you can call me Tony at work, you're my wife after all. And please, bring her in." Thor, who had heard rumors of Tony proposing, grinned and patted Tony on the back.

"I think congratulations are in order. Who would have thought you'd end up marrying one of the civilians we saved last year?" He simply shrugged as a tall slender woman with long straight brunette hair and hazel eyes walked in escorting Emily by her shoulder.

"Ah, I remember you. I think I left you to die near this very tower…pity it didn't work." Loki quipped at the young woman. She practically threw Emily at Thor, stalking towards Loki with hate transforming her delicate features into a sneer.

"Well…I see how it is, I get forgotten about while distracting people downstairs and then thrown carelessly at a God and look, what do you know, it's all Loki's fault, as usual." Emily mumbled to herself, irritated that the world seemed to revolve around him. Thor squeezed her shoulder in comfort and leaned down to whisper "It's okay Emily, I didn't forget you." She blushed but didn't answer, becoming intrigued by the scene before her. Michaela drew her hand back and slapped Loki as hard as she could.

"I have no idea what you are talking about, who you are, or why I'm mad at you, but don't you ever speak to me that way again!" She spat, turning to Tony and crossing her arms.

"Who does he think he is? Is he a friend of yours?" Tony's mouth dropped open and concern immediately flooded his eyes.

"Baby, you have no idea who that is?" Michaela looked over her shoulder at Loki and then back to her husband.

"No, why?" He shook his head as if to clear his thoughts.

"Think really hard, Angel, how did we meet?" She seemed to ponder the question for a few seconds before she looked down at the floor, shame plastered on her face.

"I know this is going to make me sound like a horrible wife but…but I don't remember." He ran one of his rough, calloused hands through his tousled raven hair and looked gravely at Thor.

"You're serious, they really don't remember." Loki rolled his eyes again.

"Way to go Captain Obvious, we've established this, now can we please get some answers?" Normally you would have expected this type of comment from Loki, so naturally when it came out of Britney's mouth everyone's heads snapped in her direction. Loki's arms tightened around her and pride welled inside of him.

"Took the words right out of my mouth." Emily, on the other hand, was horrified at the outburst.

"Britney! That is Ironman you're talking too, God, ever since you met Loki you've just…just irked me!" Loki didn't know why, but that statement pissed him off. Not because she'd made it seem like he'd done something to her friend, but because for some reason these last couple of hours he'd grown fond of the short little nerd girl in his arms, and he was offended for her.

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